Our transmission grid in detail

We are responsible for the development, maintenance, and renewal of the electricity transmission grid to make electricity safely accessible to the entire community.

New underwater electricity link between Ibiza and Formentera

This new interconnection consists of an underwater 132 kV double circuit link circuit between the islands of Ibiza and Formentera, which connects the Torrent substation, in Santa Eulària des Riu, and a new substation built in Formentera, in the Es Ca Marí industrial area.

Cacicedo-Astillero underground electricity line

Red Eléctrica commissions the new Cacicedo-Astillero underground electricity line to cover the demand of the Santander Bay area. This infrastructure is essential to guarantee the quality and security of supply in the Santander Bay area, as well as to contribute to the sustainable development of the region's main industrial, economic and social hub.

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Para consultas de medios de comunicación:

Tel.: 91 453 33 33 / 91 453 32 81 / 91 728 62 17 | gabinetedeprensa@ree.es