Integration of Renewables 

Our role as the system operator to maximise the integration of renewables in our country is key to advancing the ecological transition and achieving the European decarbonisation objectives.

Placas solares

A Country with High Renewable Potential

The secure integration of renewable energies is one of the main challenges for the operation of the electricity system we are currently facing in these times of ecological transition.

This integration entails enormous complexity for the electricity system but also great challenges that require the adoption of large-scale solutions to make the most of our country's renewable potential.

How Do We Increase the Integration of Renewables into the System?


Development and strengthening of international interconnections and links between systems


Development and improvement of forecast tools


Commissioning more installed capacity from renewable production


Observability and controllability of renewables and technological adaptation of generators


Increasing flexibility through the development of generation, storage, and demand management tools.


Regulatory and technological development to provide ancillary services and demand management tools

Spain, an International Benchmark


Of available renewable energy integrated into the system at any given time in Spain


Installed generation capacity from renewable energy sources in Spain


Renewable electricity production in 2023


This Is How the Largest Renewable Control Centre Works: Cecre

Red Eléctrica's Renewable Energy Control Centre, our Cecre, was the first in the world dedicated exclusively to the secure integration of electricity from renewable technologies, such as solar photovoltaic and wind power.

Reducción potencia

Know more about the Automatic Power Reduction Service (SRAP)

Targeted at generators, this new, more flexible mechanism aims to proactively address potential technical constraints associated with system safety criteria. 
Available only in Spanish.

An Increasingly Renewable System

To accelerate the ecological transition and move towards a more sustainable future, we are making a significant effort to maximise Spain's huge renewable potential. We are installing new megawatts of generation technologies that allow us to harness the abundant sunlight and wind, producing clean electricity. Spain's weather conditions and geographical location position it as one of the countries with the highest renewable potential in Europe.


How are we adapting the system to become increasingly renewable?

Renewable Energy in the Spanish Electricity System

Our interest in renewable energy generation and our commitment to serve as a benchmark for electricity statistics in Spain has prompted us, one more year, to present this report presenting the performance of renewable energy in Spain, as well as how it has evolved over recent years.

Recurso gráfico IER

Find Out More About...

Placas solares

Solar photovoltaic energy in Spain has exceeded production for all of 2023

According to data from Red Eléctrica, on 5 October the energy generated with this technology reached a total of 37,551 GWh for 2024. Thus, this surpasses the 37,472 GWh produced in the whole of 2023.

Molinos eólicos

Renewable energies and their role in the ecological transition

Discover how renewable energies contribute to the fight against climate change and are accelerating the decarbonization process.

Molinos eólicos

Energy storage as a key tool

Batteries are one of the best alternatives to store electrical energy of renewable origin so that it can be used in times of reduced natural resources.

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Electricity system data

Examine the primary metrics and utilise graphs and comparisons to assess and understand the trends within the Spanish electricity system.

Los datos del sistema eléctrico