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Storage across the entire energy value chain is essential for the successful achievement of the ecological transition. The ability to store energy increases the flexibility and security of the electricity system, and makes it possible to maximise the integration of renewables and to make better use of the links between systems.

A vector for the future
On the one hand, renewable energy surpluses can be stored and then used when necessary, and on the other hand, new security elements can be integrated into the transmission grid.
We are currently making progress on two storage technologies: hydraulic pumping and batteries.
Hydraulic pumping, which consists of two reservoirs at different heights, stores the potential energy of the water when it is held in the upper reservoir and is the most widespread storage technology in the world.
Storage is especially necessary in isolated systems to reduce their vulnerability and dependence, as well as to progress in their ecological transition.
In Gran Canaria, Red Eléctrica is developing the Salto de Chira pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant. Once it comes into service, Salto de Chira will be a valuable component of the electricity system and, therefore, it will be beneficial to all the people of Gran Canaria.
It will bring greater stability to the island's electricity system and reinforce its guarantee of supply. In addition, it will make it possible to harness the wealth of renewable resources available by integrating them in a reliable and efficient manner.
Salto de Chira is a project co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Salto de Chira Pumped-Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant
Why we are involved in this project
Red Eléctrica is involved in this power plant project in compliance with the legal mandate which, in 2013, granted the system operator the ownership of new pumping facilities in non-mainland systems with the purpose of guaranteeing supply, system security and the integration of non-manageable renewables. This ownership has been endorsed by a decision adopted by the European Commission which reaffirms the existing national regulation.
The power plant in detail
Salto de Chira takes advantage of the existence of two large reservoirs in the southwest of Gran Canaria: the Chira and Soria dams to build a 200 MW pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant. This capacity represents just over a third of the island's peak demand. Additionally, the project includes a seawater desalination plant and the associated marine works, as well as the necessary installations for connection to the transmission grid to be able to send this energy to Gran Canaria's electricity system.
of power in turbine mode
of power in pump mode
of storage capacity
water produced annually
Main Benefits
Environmental and social awareness

Salto de Chira stores and generates energy in an environmentally friendly way. The plant has been designed in strict compliance with current regulations, ensuring maximum environmental and social responsibility.
Integration into the environment is guaranteed and the visual impact of the infrastructures is reduced to a minimum: 91% of the infrastructures are underground. By taking advantage of existing dams, this project will guarantee the protection of the environmental, landscape and ethnographic values of the Barranco de Arguineguín ravine. It protects the heritage and enhances the landscape and habitats on the area. Salto de Chira is compatible with the ecosystem of its surroundings and of the Barranco de Arguineguín ravine, and protects the Nublo II special conservation area, located in the area of the dams. The works will be also used to carry out an environmental restoration plan aimed not only at offsetting the impacts of the works but also at eliminating invasive flora and improving the current state of conservation of the area.

Batteries allow storage based on electrochemical technology.
Red Eléctrica, in line with its commitment to provide society with increasingly better information on the electricity system, has extended the information available on its platforms by incorporating information on the available batteries.
Access the information
The latest on storage

EIB approves a €300 million loan to Red Eléctrica for the construction of Salto de Chira hydroelectric power plant in the Canary Islands

Red Eléctrica expands the information it publishes on grid access and connection status, and includes new technologies such as batteries and hybridization

Red Eléctrica has been endorsed as owner of the Salto de Chira power station by the European Commission
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