Discover what Red Eléctrica is, what we do, and why we are the backbone of the electricity system in Spain and the ecological transition.
Guaranteed Supply
Guaranteed Supply
We operate the Spanish electricity system with neutrality, efficiency, and sustainability to ensure electricity is always where it's needed.
The Importance of maintaining balance
Given that energy in the form of electricity cannot be stored in large quantities, in order to meet all electricity needs, it is necessary to produce electricity in the same quantity as it is consumed. This requires a constant balance between electricity demand and generation or injection at any time throughout the day.
To achieve this balance, we make electricity demand forecasts across different timeframes for each time of the day using smart statistical predictive models that consider multiple variables, including significant factors like work patterns and weather conditions.
Additionally, we coordinate various actors and stakeholders within the electrical system, facilitating information exchange among them and making necessary adjustments to ensure electricity is always where it's needed through real-time monitoring of the state of all transmission grid assets.
The brain of the electrical system. It manages electricity in real-time, 24 hours a day, to ensure it reaches different supply points whenever it is needed.
To maintain a constant balance between energy demand and production, regulations establish a series of tools that are used to flexibly operate the system and guarantee electrical supply.
We are responsible for the measurement system and the financial settlement of services provided by participants in the national electricity system.
System Security 24/7
The protection system is a key element of any electrical system, as its design, coordination, and response to potential disturbances in the grid affect the quality of supply, system security, and operational stability.
To maintain reliability and continuity of supply 24/7, it is essential to uphold minimum equipment requirements for protection systems to ensure system security against any potential imbalances or disturbances.
Thus, maintaining sound coordination of protection systems is key because it directly impacts the execution of system operations.
Given the number and diversity of companies participating in the electrical system (generators, transmitters, distributors, customers connected to the grid, etc.), it is crucial to establish common criteria for all system participants.
Criterios de ajuste y coordinación de protecciones en la red de alta tensión de transporte y distribución (2017) (Available only in spanish)
Criterios generales de protección de los sistemas eléctricos insulares y extrapeninsulares (Publicado en 2005 y revisado en 2011)(Available only in spanish)
Criterios generales de protección del sistema eléctrico peninsular español (1995)(Available only in spanish)