Regulatory framework

As system operator and sole transmission agent of the Spanish electricity system, Red Eléctrica operates essential infrastructures and ensures the correct operation of the Spanish electricity system. The regulatory framework for the company's regulated business activities is established in both national and European regulations.

However, in addition to the general national and EU framework that frames the company, there is a wide range of technical legislation that regulates the measures necessary for adequate management of the electricity system.

Persona utilizando el teclado de un ordenador portátil

Technical regulations

There is a wide range of technical legislation that regulates the measures necessary for adequate management of the electricity system.



Vista cenital de una reunión entre 5 personas

Public consultations

Publication section of regulatory changes proposals

National and European normative

The Electricity Industry Law 24/2013 of 26 December is the main regulation governing Red Eléctrica's activities. Said Law confers on Red Eléctrica the functions of transmission and system operator (TSO) in Spain, as well as the role of highvoltage transmission grid manager.

Bandera y mapa de Europa
Torre eléctrica en el campo

Current Planning and Future Processes

It has been approved by the Council of Ministries and is binding for Red Eléctrica and establishes the developments of the transmission grid.

Specific Regulations for Customers

Clientes section compiles the specific regulations for each service we provide to our customers.