New infrastructures in Menorca

Red Eléctrica starts the construction of the batteries at the Mercadal sub-station, which will be part of the transmission network

The works will start on 10 February, will be executed in different phases and are expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

The batteries will enable optimal use of the link between Mallorca and Menorca and of the interconnected Balearic system.


Today, at a meeting with the Menorca Council and the Es Mercadal Town Council held at the headquarters of the island institution and with the participation of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Red Eléctrica, the Redeia subsidiary responsible for electricity transmission and the operation of the Spanish electricity system, presented the project for the installation of batteries at the Mercadal 132kV sub-station. It also shared the development programme for the construction works, which will begin on 10 February. The work will be carried out in different phases, and the project is expected to be finished by the end of 2025. 

The battery system has been designed to be a fully integrated element in the transmission network that will enable the optimisation of contributions from the interconnected Balearic electricity system, specifically from the Menorca-Mallorca link, leading to significant benefits for a competitive energy transition, such as cost reduction for the system and decreased CO2 emissions. The extra contribution from the links will also enhance the quality and security of the electricity supply.

The infrastructure comprises two battery systems with a total power of 50 MW (2x25 MW) and an energy capacity of 37.5 MWh (2x18.75 MWh), making it the largest Storage as Transmission Asset (SATA) system in southern Europe and the first of its kind to be built in Spain. Red Eléctrica will invest 50 million euros in the project, which has been included in the current electrical planning with a horizon set for 2026.

From a visual perspective, the battery system consists primarily of a set of modules that integrate all devices into modular containers, complying with all safety guarantees and environmental control measures. 

The work will take place on the site of the sub-station and adjacent land acquired by Red Eléctrica after reaching an agreement with the property owner. The new infrastructures will be adapted to the topography of the terrain to facilitate their integration, with various levels of earthworks being carried out to achieve this.

So far, the initial site clearance works and the layout studies to adjust the project plans to the terrain have already been executed. The Environmental Impact Declaration received from the Government of the Balearic Islands authorises Red Eléctrica to carry out these works at ground level.

Likewise, the earthworks and civil engineering works have already been awarded, and the batteries are currently being manufactured. The execution of these works will also have a positive impact on the local economy, as the contracting company is expected to subcontract local businesses and workers to supply machinery and carry out various functions.

The works that will commence on 10 February will initially be earthworks aimed at preparing the site, levelling it to the different heights required for each of the infrastructure elements and their adaptation to the terrain.

Civil works will then begin with the foundations to prepare for the installation of all the battery system equipment. This phase is expected to take approximately eight months. It is anticipated that the batteries will be delivered in Menorca in September, allowing the assembly phase to commence.

As in the previous phase, Red Eléctrica will stay in contact with the island and local institutions during the construction works to coordinate the necessary measures to minimise any disturbances.