For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
Development of the electricity system
Development of the electricity system
We anticipate future needs in order to keep guaranteeing continuity of supply with new demand, generation and storage.

A System in Constant Evolution
As grid manager, part of our role is to analyse the possible future scenarios in which the system finds itself and to anticipate the energy needs that may arise.
In this respect, we aim to maximise the use of the existing grid and future assets to respond efficiently to the needs detected, first and foremost assessing the solutions with the least possible impact on the territory. We facilitate the integration of renewable technologies and electrified consumption to help us advance in the decarbonisation process.
Access and Connection to the Grid
To connect a new generation facility to the transmission grid, or to modify the conditions of existing facilities, it is necessary to request access and connection permits from Red Eléctrica following a procedure that guarantees the neutrality and transparency of the entire process.
National Planning
The electricity transmission grid must be adapted to new needs as a result of the ecological transition of society. Therefore, we are also tasked to support the General State Administration in defining and designing transmission grid development plans for new infrastructures that will help ensure continued security of supply as efficiently and sustainably as possible.
European Planning
One of the objectives of the European Union is that all European citizens for all European citizens to have access to clean, secure and affordable electricity, and the development of the European transmission grid plays a key role in this.
Studies and Forecasts
We carry out analyses and forecasting studies of different possible electricity scenarios and the future of the system.

The Backbone of the Ecological Transition
We support the country in the transformation of its energy model, which is key to greater autonomy and efficiency and to making the most of its renewable potential.