Internal Energy Market

The consolidation of an Internal Energy Market in Europe is one of the future challenges facing European electricity systems to increase efficiency, security of supply and sustainability.

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Connected for Europe's energy efficiency and security

Since 1996, the European Union has been engaged in an energy unification project designed to ensure fair access to electricity for member countries, while increasing the safety and security of European electricity systems and promoting efficiency.

In addition, the shaping of an Internal Energy Market in Europe also drives greater competitiveness between the coupled markets, as energy goes from where it is cheapest to where it is most expensive.

Furthermore, the larger the unified market, the greater its management and operational capacity, ensuring greater support from the coupled electricity systems as well as greater optimisation and utilisation of the amount of renewable energy that can be produced at any given time, thus increasing the sustainability of the European electricity system at all levels.

Technology is key to Addressing the Challenges Associated with the Consolidation of the Internal Energy Market

A number of technologies have been identified as key tools to address these future challenges.


  • Upcoming energy storage technologies.
  • Increased flexible generation.
  • Development of smart charging.
  • Flexible consumers and smart grids.
  • Development of interconnections and supergrids.
  • Technological innovation.


On the Road to a Single Energy Market in Europe

As part of the gradual convergence to the Internal Energy Market in Europe, we are currently part of the following platforms:


SAP (Single Allocation Platform)

It carries out the explicit auctions of long-term capacity rights (annual, quarterly and monthly).


SDAC (Single Day Ahead Coupling)

Carries out the coupling of the daily energy markets at 12:00 on the previous day.


IGCC (International Grid Control Cooperation)

Nets the balancing needs of the systems in real time by reducing the volume of balancing energy used.


SIDC (Single Intraday Coupling)

European continuous intraday market that allows market participants to adjust their schedules from 3 p.m. the previous day until one hour before the delivery time.


TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange)

European platform for the exchange of RR-type balancing products with an activation time of 30 minutes.

Platforms in Process

We are actively working on the integration of the Spanish electricity system into the rest of the European platforms:



Platform for the exchange of the European standard product for manual stand-by reserve (mFRR) in the framework of tertiary regulation.



Platform for the exchange of the European standard automatic stand-by reserve product (aFRR) in the framework of secondary regulation.

More Connected, More Efficient

Increasing security of supply and system efficiency through the coupling of markets to form an Internal Energy Market in Europe depends directly on electricity interconnections linking member countries.


Associations of which we are members

As the Spanish TSO and the backbone of the ecological transition in our country, we are part of the network of associations that promotes close collaboration to meet the challenges of decarbonisation.


The EIC office

Do you need an identification code to join the Market? Visit the EIC office.

The EIC (Energy Identification Code) was implemented by ENTSO-E with the aim to create a unique code for TSO members of the organisation.

Participate in the European Balancing Markets

Consult the technical requirements and take part in the European balancing markets.

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Electricity system data

Examine the primary metrics and utilise graphs and comparisons to assess and understand the trends within the Spanish electricity system.

Los datos del sistema eléctrico