Integration into the territory

We care about improving the integration of our installations in the surrounding environment as much as possible, using methods that, going beyond legal requirements, minimise their potential visual and environmental impact.

Subestación Cariñena

We care about the best installation compatibility with the environment

Our commitment is tangible and results in a demanding environmental process in each of our projects.

 We examine all land, environmental, and biodiversity variables, from the smallest species such as butterflies or small mammals, to the largest birds of prey such as bearded vultures. We also take into account and avoid impacting cultural heritage, archaeology, as well as the population in the area, their uses and customs.

How do we do this? With a demanding environmental assessment


We examine land in coordination with the main public administrations and interest groups.


We attempt to define and reach an agreement on routes and substations.


We apply preventive and corrective measures both in land-based installations and in submarine interconnections. All of this will help us to achieve the best route design.


We comply with strict protocols during construction and maintenance works to mitigate potential effects and resulting impacts, and we analyse whether they are compatible or not relevant.


On an annual basis, we carry out an analysis of our environmental performance as part of a continuous improvement programme which stipulates specific lines of work.

Caring for the environment and health, at the core of our actions

Paisaje líneas

We are working to achieve the best route for our installations within the energy planning guidelines.

Demanding procedure
Diseño trazado

They are one of the elements that Red Eléctrica has studied most over a 30+ year period, as they surround us every day: From the sun to microwaves, as well as electricity lines.

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Pantalla acústica

Our installations are below legal limits, either due to their location or the measures applied to reduce their levels as much as possible.

Learn more with us
Castro Valente

We take the greatest possible care to preserve the rich cultural heritage in our country, with archaeologists involved in all our works who, on some occasions, have made cultural discoveries ranging from old Roman cities to prehistoric remnants.

Click here and explore our heritage