For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
Renewable Energy Control Centre (CECRE)
Renewable Energy Control Centre (CECRE)
A pioneering control center worldwide dedicated exclusively to renewables, Cecre maximizes the safe integration of renewable energy generation into the Spanish electricity system.
Worldwide Pioneer
The Renewable Energy Control Centre (Cecre), a pioneering centre and the first to be dedicated exclusively to the supervision and control of clean technologies, was set up in 2006.
Thanks to Cecre, Spain is now a world leader in the safe integration of renewable energy, maintaining high levels of electricity supply quality. Cecre is integrated into the Electricity Control Centre (Cecoel) and manages renewable energy production in real time, a highly complex task due to the high variability of these sources and their geographical dispersion.
Cecre in Figures
years in operation
renewable energy facilities monitored in real time
Minimum power of the facilities monitored and controlled by Cecre
How Cecre Works
The Cecre monitors and controls the production of renewable energy generation facilities or groups in order to guarantee the required levels of supply quality and the correct balance between production and consumption.
This information means that it can carry out a real-time analysis of the state of the system and foresee the necessary operational measures to ensure that the system remains safe at all times.
To do this, it performs two functions in real time:
Communication with Cecre
The strong development of installed renewable generation capacity in the electricity system requires a secure and efficient dialogue between Red Eléctrica and the producers, as well as their allocation to the Generation Control Centres (CCG).
To achieve this communication, the CCGs must be adequately connected to Red Eléctrica's control centre, have sufficient capacity for control, command and monitoring of the generation assigned to them, and their human resources must be appropriately trained to ensure secure communications with Red Eléctrica and its 24/7 operation.

Production Control Tests
See our page on Regulations, guidelines and other documentation(Available only in Spanish)