Wildfires and Vegetation Management

We work on wildfire prevention to preserve the safety of our transmission grid and ensure electricity supply.

Líneas eléctricas

Prevention, The Best Firefighter

Our goal is to prevent wildfires from occurring. To achieve this, we create security corridors and perform ongoing work to keep them clear of vegetation. These actions are essential to avoid the potential impacts of fire on the electricity system and the environment. Additionally, these corridors serve as safe fire breaks that facilitate firefighting efforts in fires caused by factors unrelated to Red Eléctrica and provide evacuation routes for forest and environmental rangers.

Comprehensive Approach

We implement a holistic approach supported by various fire prevention actions, including vegetation management, training forest and environmental rangers from various autonomous communities, and stringent action protocols. All these efforts aim to prevent wildfires and, in the event that they do occur, to ensure a response with maximum efficiency and speed.


By updating the specifications for wildfire prevention and extinguishing, we have strengthened preventive measures to reduce risk situations during operations.


This includes defining the responsibilities and tasks for all areas involved in fire prevention during work execution, as well as control mechanisms for contractor requirements.


Our approach also extends to actions within our facilities, where we take steps to prevent the outbreak of a fire, should one occur.


We are improving training and awareness, and establishing new preventive measures to ensure that we know how to respond in the event of an incident that could lead to a fire.


We manage vegetation in the strips of land around the perimeter of sub-stations across all districts to enhance the safety of our facilities in the event of a nearby wildfire.


Furthermore, we collaborate with public administrations through fire prevention agreements, to which we allocate over 200,000 euros annually.


Design and Planning of Safe Facilities

We design the security corridors of our facilities using rigorous safety requirements. The corridors our grid runs through offer a wide safety margin between vegetation and the facilities themselves. 

  • We conduct vegetation studies using data obtained from flights using the "Light Detection and Ranging" system (LIDAR). 
  • We inspect our facilities annually using various methods: inspections on foot, aerial checks, or LIDAR flights.  






We Respect Biodiversity 

We apply preventive measures during the design and commissioning of our facilities, as well as corrective measures to protect various habitats and species. 

How do We Do This?   

  • We conduct detailed field studies based on fauna and flora surveys. We also identify vegetation and habitats of interest. 
  • We modify the design of the facilities to avoid impacts on these vegetation and habitats of interest. Additionally, we minimise potential effects through compaction, elevation, and relocation of supports, as well as by modifying access roads, among other measures. 
  • We implement soil and water resource protection measures.  
  • We mark and preserve habitats and species of higher ecological value to avoid them being harmed when carrying out works. 
  • We use construction techniques that minimise earthworks and land occupation: hoisting structures with a boom crane, hanging lines by hand, or carrying out works using helicopters or drones. 
  • We transplant flora species affected by the work to other areas to be replanted.  
  • We halt work during periods or situations of high fire risk according to the daily risk index map we have developed. If extreme risk is detected, we do not proceed with the work.  
  • We provide resources and specific training for the prevention of forest fires.  Training is required for Red Eléctrica personnel and all collaborating companies.  
  • We recover affected areas: restoration of slopes, sowing of seeds and the planting of flora.  
  • We support and develop specific projects to improve biodiversity in affected areas.

Committed to Prevention  

We work daily with our employees and suppliers and have developed R&D systems to minimise risk. We believe that working together with administrations, suppliers, and society is one of the keys to prevention.    

  • We regularly apply silvicultural treatments at all our facilities to ensure compliance with safety distances, reducing the risk of fire to a minimum.   
  • We properly maintain safety corridors thanks to our strict work procedures and supervision of all transmission grid infrastructures.    
  • We sign agreements with public administrations to develop measures and strategies for wildfire prevention and control, providing them with equipment for surveillance, prevention, training, and social awareness on wildfires.    
  • We believe that working together with administrations, suppliers, and society is one of the keys to prevention.  

We Research to Improve Prevention Through R&D Projects

To optimise works and resources, we have developed several projects such as the VEGETAPRODINT, and Bseed WATCH® systems



Through the 'Vegeta' algorithm, we optimise vegetation management tasks. This system creates action plans based on technical, environmental, and meteorological criteria, as well as the legal requirements of each autonomous community. This system allows us to improve vegetation management.



This system, developed in collaboration with Hispasat, is designed for the early detection of wildfires through transmission line towers and sensors based on Internet of Things technology. These sensors detect the radiation emitted by fire and send alerts autonomously. This helps reduce the response time of firefighting teams and leads to a reduction in costs, environmental damage, and personal injuries.

Learn more about Prodint


Bseed WATCH®

This is a fire risk monitoring and management tool that predicts the risk of fire and its potential destructiveness up to ten days in advance. It has early detection sensors that, through temperature, CO, and CO2, alert the citizens of the area and local emergency authorities within seconds. Additionally, in the event of a fire, it provides real-time information on weather conditions, the extent and progression of the fire, and control of evacuation routes.

Through the partnership between Hispasat and Pyro for the joint commercialisation of wildfire monitoring technologies using satellite communication, we offer a solution that can be deployed anywhere in the world.




Organizamos jornadas se sensibilización y de voluntariado con los empleados y sus familias así como talleres de formación para dar a conocer nuestro patrimonio allí donde estamos presentes.


Vida de ecosistema terrestre

Los principales impactos ambientales de Red Eléctrica son los que se derivan de la presencia de las instalaciones en el territorio. Por ello, la compañía trabaja intensamente para hacer que dichas instalaciones estén totalmente integradas en el entorno y territorios en los que desarrolla su actividad, considerando todo su ciclo de vida y prestando especial atención a la conservación de la biodiversidad.


We Apply Innovative Solutions

Our various actions to manage vegetation around our facilities have resulted in no significant fires over the last three years. In addition to technology, financial, and human resources, we employ innovative, environmentally friendly solutions that contribute to creating value in the region, such as the "Pastoreo en red" program.

Awareness and training

The Fire Prevention strategy developed by Red Eléctrica is based on awareness, prevention, training and collaboration with administrations. Our goal is to prevent a fire from happening and, in the event of a fire, to ensure that we have the best knowledge to act quickly.

Available only in Spanish

Raising Awareness

Raising awareness is a key aspect to avoid risky situations. Understanding the risks and consequences of a wildfire is essential for preventing them and, if necessary, responding correctly. Therefore, we produce educational materials and distribute videos about preventive measures internally.

We also hold training sessions with forest rangers, facility technicians, and our staff, and conduct prevention and action workshops with schoolchildren from different autonomous communities.

Know the Risk

To prevent and avoid a fire, it's essential to understand the risk of one occurring, as well as the roles individuals can play in combating the fire before, during, and after it happens.

We All Play a Crucial Role in Fighting Fires