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Redeia and IBE develop an educational program of energy transition in the CEIP Cervantes, which hosts the first public installation of collective renewable self-consumption of Eivissa.
Training initiative and the fight against energy poverty
Redeia and the IBE implement an energy transition education programme at the CEIP Cervantes (Centre for Early Childhood and Primary Education), which houses Ibiza's first collective renewable public self-consumption installation
Red Eléctrica shares its fire-prevention protocols with fire-fighting experts to combat fires
Red Eléctrica completes the construction of Campos del Río, a 400 kV substation for renewable energy
Red Eléctrica embarks on the construction of the Calatorao substation to bolster industrial and technological activity in the region
Electricity demand in Spain decreases by 3.4% in February

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It follows the status of access and connection of renewable generation, as well as other relevant data of the spanish electricity system.

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