Renewable Energy

Renewable energies are the main driver of the ecological transition. These are those obtained from inexhaustible natural sources, which do not use fossil fuels.

Montaña con molinos eólicos

Spain, a benchmark in renewables

The electricity system is advancing towards it transformation towards a decarbonised model based on renewables. These sources of energy are the first option to decarbonise the generation of electrical energy and fight climate change. And our country can boast that it is a global benchmark in the integration of renewables thanks, to a great extent, to the efforts of Red Eléctrica as the carrier and operator of the electricity system.

Parque eólico

2023 Breakthrough

Over 50% of the electricity generated in 2023 came from renewable sources, surpassing 134 TWh.

Placas solares

Leading in Wind and Solar

Spain is the second country in Europe in terms of wind and solar energy generation, just behind Germany.

Pulmón CO2

Declining Emissions

2023 has witnessed the lowest CO2 eq emissions resulting from electricity generatio

Main benefits of renewables

Persona sopla diente de león

Renewable energies are clean technologies because they do not emit greenhouse gases, in particular CO2.

Placas solares

Unlike fossil energy sources, renewable energies are inexhaustible and, therefore, crucial to achieving a more sustainable energy system. These technologies provide important cost reductions and efficiency improvements. They create jobs, wealth and new opportunities.

España vista satélite

Renewable energy is obtained from indigenous resources, so a greater participation in the mix reduces our dependence on fossil fuel imports.

Types of renewable technologies

Presa de agua


It produces electrical energy through the movement or water falling from a dam.

Parque eólico

Wind Power

A wind turbine transforms the kinetic energy of wind currents into electrical energy.

Placas solares

Solar Photovoltaic

It uses the photovoltaic effect, whereby the incidence of solar radiation on semiconductor materials is capable of producing electricity.

Placas solares

Solar Thermal

Also called STE, it uses direct solar radiation to produce energy.

Otras tecnologías

Other Technologies

These include biogas, biomass, geothermal, marine energy, and renewable waste.

The Path to 2030 

As a key component of the ecological transition, the development of renewables is a top priority of both European and national energy policy, with ambitious targets. 


EU's current 2030 target is for a 42.5% renewable energy share


According to the NECP, Spain must reach this renewable penetration rate in final energy consumption by 2030.


This is what renewables should contribute to the national electricity generation mix by 2030, also according to the PNIEC.

How Do renewables integrate into the System?

Managing energies such a solar and wind is a major challenge because they are extremely variable. Through Cecre, Red Eléctrica ensures the safe integration of renewables, always guaranteeing a continuous, high-quality electricity supply. Find out how we make this possible and you will learn about our SRAP project, among others.


Other Future Challenges

To secure a successful outcome, the ecological transition will also require other developing vectors and the support of technological innovation. 

Find out about the roadmap that the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) sets out in these vectors. (Available only in Spanish).


Offshore wind power has the capacity to generate electricity in a stable and predictable manner and to promote industrial and technological development. Spain is advocating for the advancement of its infrastructure through the TSO model, a widely adopted system in Europe. It ensures unbiased access to offshore grid infrastructures while also upholding environmental and ecosystem preservation. The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan sets the goal of reaching 3 GW of installed capacity by 2030 and Red Eléctrica will be its main facilitator. 
Find out more about the situation in Europe at Offshore Network Development Plans. 


Renewable hydrogen plays a crucial role in the decarbonisation of applications where the use of electricity is not technically and economically feasible, including specific industries, heavy transportation, and aviation.
To promote it in Spain, the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan sets a target of 12 GW of electrolysers by 2030.
To meet this nascent demand, the transmission grid must be strengthened and developed. Red Eléctrica remains committed to supporting this process as a valuable partner.

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Electricity system data

Examine the primary metrics and utilise graphs and comparisons to assess and understand the trends within the Spanish electricity system.

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