European Planning

One of the objectives of the European Union is that all European citizens for all European citizens to have access to clean, secure and affordable electricity, and the development of the European transmission grid plays a key role in this.

planificación europea

A Forward-looking Vision for Europe

The construction of a robust, meshed continental grid that guarantees the security of electricity supply in the countries that make it up is one of the challenges that must be met in order to make progress in the decarbonisation of the European electricity system. In this respect, the task of identifying the future needs of the grids and defining and designing the infrastructure plans required to achieve the European Union's objectives is especially important.  

Therefore, in accordance with the Clean Energy Package for all Europeans, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) prepares a non-binding Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) every two years, which describes the future evolution of the European electricity system.

Read more about the European regulatory framework here

Identifying Needs to Develop Solutions

In May 2023, ENTSO-E published the final version of the latest Ten-Year Plan, including an executive summary of key conclusions and a report identifying system needs, which outlines how the system should evolve by 2030 and 2040 to meet climate targets and create maximum value for Europeans.

This identification of needs in the European electricity system identifies opportunities for improvement across Europe:

Key Figures

Finding solutions to these needs would significantly reduce Europe's dependence on fossil fuels for electricity production, integrate more energy from renewable sources and lead to a significant reduction of CO2 emissions. In addition, the cost-benefit analysis of 141 transmission projects of European relevance and 23 storage projects are also included.


GW (75% over the 2025 grid)

Increases in capacity increases after 2025



Dumping avoided



Reduction in CO2 emissions


Billion euros/year 

Savings in generation costs

What Benefits Does the Development of These Projects Provide?

All the projects of the European planning will contribute to:

  • 17 TWh/year of dumping avoided in 2030..
  • 14 Mton/year reduction in CO2 emissions in 2030.
  • €5,000 M/year reduction in variable generation costs in 2030.
Paisaje de montaña

Projects of Common Interest (PCIs)

What are PCIs? What determines whether an infrastructure is considered to be of common interest? Which PCIs are being promoted by Red Eléctrica in Spain?  

All these PCIs are included in the current national plan, the Network Development Plan 21-26.

Hombre con casco y chaleco revisando una torre de alta tensión

A System in Constant Evolution

The ten-year network development plan for 2024 is currently being drawn up. Together with the plan, a scenario report will be published identifying the needs of the transmission grid and the system in the long term (2040), the regional investment plans (Spain forms part of the Southwest Europe region together with Portugal and France) and the 10-year development plan document itself, which includes a cost-benefit assessment of all the projects classified as projects of European relevance.

European projects map


Scenarios 2024

Niña corriendo por un campo de trigo

This is How We See the Future of Electricity in Our Country

Find out about the Network Development Plan 21-26 and the projects we are working on to contribute to the development of a more efficient and sustainable country.