Leader in Circular Economy by 2030

Red Eléctrica is committed to becoming a leading company in the efficient use of resources by 2030.

servicios rr

Our 6 Priorities in Circularity

At Red Eléctrica, we follow Redeia's Circular Economy Roadmap, a guide outlining the goals and actions to be developed up to 2030. Our aim is for 100% of our equipment and materials to come from recycled or reused resources and reducing, reusing, recycling, or energy recovery of all waste generated.

Find Out More About Redeia’s Circular Economy Roadmap


As the Spanish TSO, we are a proactive agent in the country’s transition to an emission-free energy model, based on the electrification of the economy and the efficient integration of renewable energies. Additionally, we work to reduce and offset our own emissions. To do so, we maintain our commitment to net zero by 2050, in line with Redeia's emission reduction targets and Climate Change Action Plan.

materias primas

Raw materials

We are reducing our consumption of raw materials and prioritising the use of recycled, recyclable, or reusable materials. We employ a life cycle analysis methodology for our supplies that allows us to assess circular economy, climate change, and water footprint aspects to acquire more sustainable equipment. Additionally, we use eco-design, promote innovation and technological development, and collaborate with our suppliers to help them make their own change a reality.

residuos cero

Zero Waste

We have had a zero waste to landfill model since 2018. Initially developed for the Red Eléctrica Campus building, it was later adapted for the Central Regional Area. We are working to replicate this model across all our facilities. Thanks to this approach, we have included recycling and recovery requirements in waste management and service tenders, and installed composters for organic waste at work centres, among other measures.



We develop sustainable treatment methods for soils and groundwater affected by dielectric oils or hydrocarbons. The goal is to find innovative and sustainable solutions for treating these contaminants on-site using alternative methods to digging and disposal, allowing for remediation on location and avoiding the need to send contaminated soil to a landfill. Some of the techniques we are testing include bioremediation —bacterial cultures to degrade the substances used— and the application of surfactants and chemical oxidation.



We are working on finding alternative solutions to improve efficiency and optimise the use of this resource. Even though our water consumption is very low, since it is limited to domestic activities such as restrooms, non-industrial building cleaning, and garden irrigation, we have implemented measures to further reduce consumption. These include installing dual-flush toilets, faucets with timers and flow meters, as well as automated drip irrigation systems with moisture sensors.

acciones transversales

Cross-company actions

We incorporate circularity criteria into 100% of our activities through the implementation of digital technologies and integrating circular criteria.

Main objectives



  • >60% renewable energy in the electricity generation mix.
  • 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to 2019.
  • Two-thirds of suppliers were SBTi approved.
  • 100% of Scope 1 emissions offset.


  • 0% of Red Eléctrica’s waste to landfill.
  • Implementation of the SF6 reuse procedure.
  • Reduction of hazardous land waste with the strategy of zero accidents and zero contaminated sites.


  • Reduction of water consumption in all Red Eléctrica and Redinter work facilities to 6.5 m³/employee/year.
  • 100% of the water from the Salto de Chira construction process to be reused.

Raw materials

  • Ten supplies with the greatest impact on the transmission grid with circular criteria of climate change, security, diversity, and biodiversity.
  • 100% eco-friendly packaging, recycled, recyclable or reusable packaging in the supply of equipment and materials.


  • Zero serious environmental accidents at the facilities.
  • Zero contaminated sites.
  • Identification of alternatives to plant protection products.


  • Analysing at least ten supplies with a major impact on the transmission grid with circularity criteria (LCA – Life Cycle Assessment), climate change, security, diversity, and biodiversity.


  • Safely integrating 100% of available renewable energy into the electricity system: 74% of renewable energy in the electricity generation mix.
  • 55% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions and 28% reduction in Scope 3 emissions compared to 2019.


  • 100% reduction of SF6 waste.
  • 100% reduction of soil waste.


  • Reduction of water consumption in all workplaces to 6.5 m³/employee/year.

Cross-company actions

  • Integration of circular criteria in all activities, incorporation in 100% of internal regulations.
  • Management of 100% of projects with digital tools.

Raw Materials

  • Creation of a network of circular supplies.
  • Identification of the environmental impacts of equipment and materials from their origin (LCA of supplies).
  • Integration of sustainability criteria in purchasing decisions.
  • Sustainable transformers (use of vegetable esters instead of mineral oils).
  • Innovation and technological development (eco-friendly designed equipment and materials).


  • Action plan for the prevention of hydrocarbon leaks and mitigation of their impacts.
  • Decontamination of 100% of soils affected by accidental hydrocarbon spills.


  • Be a driver of change for our suppliers: at least 25 supplies with a major impact on the transmission grid with circularity criteria (LCA – Life Cycle Assessment), climate change, security, diversity, and biodiversity.



Emergency Intervention Service

To minimise soil contamination, we not only maintain our equipment according to strict procedures but also have containment systems and response protocols in place, such as the Emergency Response Service (Servicio de Intervención Urgente - SIU). This on-land emergency response service provides a prompt and effective response to accidental spills and urgent recovery of potential environmental damage.

riesgos bajo control

Monitoring in Sub-Stations and OF Cables

We have implemented measures to reduce, control, or completely eliminate potential soil contamination risks in sub-stations and Oil Filled (OF) cables. These measures include increasing inspections at high-risk facilities and the Blue Filtration Project, which involves installing hydrocarbon separators at the discharge points of oil collection tanks.


Adherence to the Circular Economy Pact

Since 2018, we have been a signatory to the Circular Economy Pact, promoted by the Ministries of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment, and of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness. The companies, social partners, and administrations that have signed the pact work together to address current environmental, economic, and technological challenges.


We are part of Forética's Circular Economy Action Group

Red Eléctrica is one of the companies in Forética's Circular Economy Action Group. This initiative aims to lead companies towards a circular model. To achieve this, it generates knowledge through international principles and trends, promotes collaboration with public administrations and opinion leaders, and highlights the various companies' commitment in this area.

Circular economy: a priority for Red Eléctrica and Redeia, its parent company

We invite you to visit Redeia's website to learn more about our commitment and actions related to circular economy within the group.
