For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
Legal notice and cookies policy
General Information
In order to comply with the provisions of Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI), the general information details of this website are given below:
Owner: RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA, S.A.U. (Hereinafter, the “Company”)
Registered Address: Paseo Conde de los Gaitanes nº 177, La Moraleja, 28109 Alcobendas (Madrid).
Registration data: registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, Volume 25.097, Folio 195, Section 8; Page M-452031, Entry 4.
Tax ID code: A-85309219
Accessible at the following URL:
General terms and conditions
1. User status
Access and/or use of this website (hereinafter the "website") confers the status of user on whoever makes use of it. This user fully and unreservedly accepts, from the moment of access, all the conditions of use, regardless of the specific conditions that may be applicable should the user wish to acquire any services or access the contents provided by the website and which he or she is informed of therein. In the event of a contradiction, these specific conditions shall prevail over the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice.
2. Conditions of access and use
2.1 Access to this website implies that users have read beforehand the general terms and conditions included in this section (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms and Conditions”).
2.2 If the user does not agree to the Terms and Conditions, he or she must refrain from accessing and/or using our website. The Company reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions unilaterally at any time, without warning.
It likewise reserves the right to modify the presentation and configuration of the website unilaterally at any time, without warning.
2.3 General access to our website is free of charge and does not require any subscription or registration. However, this does not include services/content where it is expressly indicated that users have to register.
2.4 Users undertake to access and use our website, as well as the contents and/or services on it, without breaching prevailing laws. Users also undertake not to use our website for illegal or illicit purposes which could be damaging to the Company, any company in the group or third parties.
3. Conditions as a registered user
To access certain services/content on our website, any user must register as registered user and accept the corresponding terms and conditions. The data required in each registration form will be provided by users on a voluntary basis, so the data must be true and updated. You can see information about our processing of personal data on ou privacy policy.
4. Links
4.1 Our website may include links or frames to content owned by third parties. These third-party links are not controlled by the Company and are provided solely for information purposes, being subject to the terms and conditions of these third parties.
The Company accepts no liability whatsoever for the use that users may make of these links/frames, nor will it be held liable for the contents and/or products and services that may be offered through these pages Users are advised to carefully read the legal conditions and privacy policy of the websites that they are sent to. The Company neither offers nor sells itself or through third parties the information, content and products/services available on these third-party websites, nor does it endorse, monitor nor control the content, products/services or any other material of any kind that may exist on these, so that the user has sole responsibility for their browsing online.
4.2 Furthermore, the owners of other websites that intend to create a link to any of the pages that make up our website, must undertake to comply with the following rules established by the Company for this purpose:. Specifically, the Company forbids:
I. links to pages or sub-pages other than the home page except in those cases where the complete URL is expressly provided on the website itself for access to a particular service.
II. links that allow total or partial reproduction of the pages included on the website. The use of iframe tags that call a particular content on our website are therefore prohibited.
II. accompanying the link with false, inaccurate or incorrect claims that can lead to errors or confusion or, in general, which are contrary to the law, decency or good conduct.
IV. including commercial trademarks, texts or any other signs which require protection other than the Company brand name if its use has been approved.
V. Users may not copy, imitate, in part or wholly, the content of the website, nor the look and feel of the website.
5. Content conditions
5.1 Intellectual and industrial copyright and analogous rights
The content of our website are for information purposes only.
All the information contained in our website (from now on any information including, but not limited to, reports, texts, images, graphic design, multimedia file, photography, computer code, databases, etc.), as well as brand names, trademarks and distinctive signs used, are the property of the Company or have been duly licensed by third parties for addition to the website.
The Company therefore has exclusive use of the rights over all or part of the content, to use it in any way and in particular, to print, publish, offer, distribute, transform or exploit it in any other way, except where the Company has given prior written permission for this.
Notwithstanding the above, users may view and obtain a personal temporary copy of the content for their exclusive private use in their computer systems (software and hardware), publish them on their website or create company or academic content, as long as it is for information only, and not for commercial purposes. The above does not apply to third-party content, when identified as such on the website, or that included in a frame or link, which are subject to their own terms and conditions. Nor shall they apply to the Company’s products and services that are subject to their own terms and conditions.
On the other hand, users undertake to make proper use of the contents on our website in accordance with prevailing laws and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and in particular:
I. Mention the Company clearly and explicitly as the source of the information and data.
II. Not to alter nor distort the meaning of the information or data.
III. Mention the date of the latest update of the information and data.
IV. The use of the Company’s logos, trademarks or distinctive emblems other than as used in the content is not permitted.
Other than the above, except in the cases mentioned above, these Terms and Conditions do not grant any intellectual, industrial or analogous rights over the website nor any of its contents, so that the reproduction, transformation, distribution, publication, offer, extraction, reuse, resending or any other use, in any form or procedure, except where legally permitted or expressly authorised in writing by the owner of the corresponding rights, is strictly prohibited.
The Company may resort to any administrative, civil or criminal prosecution that may be appropriate in the event of a breach of these rights by users.
5.2 Inclusion of user-generated content
If users send or submit information of any kind to the Company through the website, using the channels for this purpose, these users thereby state, guarantee and accept that they have the right to do this freely, that this information does not infringe any intellectual copyright, brand, patent, trade secret or any other third-party right, that the information is not confidential and does not injure third parties. Users thereby authorise the use of this content under the same terms as the Company authorises the use of its own.
5.3 Reporting offending content
If users are aware of the existence of content which is illicit or which may be in breach of intellectual or industrial property or analogous rights, they must report it to the Company immediately at the email address: so that appropriate steps may be taken.
6. Disclaimer of warranties and liability
6.1 Unless prevented by applicable law, as in the case of legislation on consumers and users:
Access and use of this website shall be under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user.
The Company shall not be liable for loss or damages caused by the use made by the user of the information contained in this website.
The Company accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, truth or integrity of the content, or for keeping it updated, nor for the results that may arise from accessing and/or using the website. Users accept that the content may not be error-free and that the information may not be what they require, and therefore not suitable for the purpose for which it was sought.
As regards queries about the content, the Company may not respond to incomplete requests for information, or for which it does not have information, or may respond with the information it has at the time of the request, but without updating it should this be modified for any reason.
6.2 The Company does not grant any guarantee nor is it responsible for any damages of any kind that may be caused by:
I. The lack of availability, maintenance or continuity of the operation of the website as well as the incorrect operation of its contents. The Company states that it has adopted all necessary measures, within its bounds and the current state of technology, to ensure the running of the website and prevent the presence and transmission of virus and other harmful components to users. Nevertheless, it does not guarantee the suitability or usefulness of the website contents and does not accept responsibility for losses or damages that any person who is in breach of the terms and conditions, standards and instructions that apply to the website, or in breach of its security systems, may cause to themselves or a third party.
II. The lack of usefulness, appropriateness or validity of the contents offered on the website to satisfy the user’s expectations, needs, activities or concrete results.
III. The existence of viruses, harmful programs in the user's computer or the presence of viruses in the contents or products/ services provided by third parties through the website.
IV. Unlawful, negligent, or fraudulent use or use which simply runs contrary to these Terms and Conditions.
V. The lack of rigour and quality, reliability, etc. of the contents provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.
VI. Failure by third parties to comply with their obligations or commitments to the Company in relation to the content provided and available to users of the website.
VII. The possible lack of updating of content and the legal provisions contained in the website. In any case, with regard to possible legal provisions, the current version shall be that published in the Official State Gazette or in the official publications of the European Union or application publications in each case.
7. User compensation
7.1 Users expressly undertake to compensate the Company and other companies in the group, employees, administrative workers, agents, suppliers or information or products/services or licensees for any losses or damages arising from a breach of these Terms and Conditions on the part of the user or the corresponding special conditions, were relevant, and to collaborate with the Company in defence of its interests should any complaint, legal or administrative action be taken against it for this reason.
7.2 Users must likewise promise to make every effort to avoid or, where appropriate, mitigate the harmful or damaging effects that may derive from them for the Company.
8. English version
In the event of a discrepancy between the English and original Spanish version of the content of this website, the latter shall take precedence.
9. Duration and modification
The content of this website and each element in it shall be available for users for as long as the Company decides.
The Company reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or eliminate the content of this website at any time.
10. Annulment and application of the clauses
The headings of the different clauses are for information only and do not affect, qualify or expand the interpretation of the Legal Notice.
Should any Clause in these Terms and Conditions be declared null or void, wholly or in part, this annulment or ineffectiveness shall only apply to the provision or part of the same which is null or void, sustaining all other Terms and Conditions and considering the affected part as non-existent, except where it is essential to the Terms and Conditions and affect it in its entirety.
11. Jurisdiction and applicable laws
The relationship between the Company and users shall be governed by the content of relevant law and competent jurisdiction. Nonetheless, in cases where the law foresees the possibility of parties being subject to law or legislation such as that governing relations between consumers and users, both shall expressly waive any other corresponding jurisdiction and subject all conflict and/or litigation to the consideration of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, and be subject to Spanish law.