Cultural Heritage

The prehistory and history of the Iberian Peninsula, a melting pot of civilisations, boasts an enormously rich heritage that must be preserved for future generations.


We preserve our cultural heritage

We assess the potential impact of our projects on cultural heritage with all available means, and go beyond legal requirements to contribute to the care, conservation, and enhancement of cultural and historical heritage and legacy.

Archaeological survey prior to the start of the works

The protection of cultural heritage is a fundamental factor in the design and construction of Red Eléctrica facilities. Before commencing any earthworks, the company conducts an archaeological survey of the site and designs the infrastructure to minimise any potential impact.

Continuous presence of an archaeologist on-site during earthworks when required by survey results

During the works, the archaeologist ensures compliance with preventive and corrective measures:

  • Avoiding impact on and protecting elements of the cultural heritage present.
  • Conducting excavation when necessary to catalogue and, if required, restore these cultural assets.

For example, we intervened to protect a Roman aqueduct in Can Maltat (Ibiza) during the construction of the 132 KV electricity interconnection cable between Ibiza and Formentera. We also protected a Celtiberian site of significant heritage value in Langa de Duero (Soria) during maintenance work on the 400 kV Mudarra-Almazán line.

Digital cartography with catalogued heritage information for consultation

Through the ArqueoRED project, we have mapped the national cultural heritage that coexists with transport infrastructures to ensure the responsible maintenance of the grid. By consulting this information, we define the necessary measures in each case before undertaking work on the facilities. Additionally, we collaborate with public administrations and territorial entities through agreements, to whom we cede the use and custody of this valuable work.

In 2023, on a voluntary basis, we digitised and geo-referenced the heritage of Castile-La Mancha, obtaining nearly 56,000 references. Throughout 2024, we will replicate this initiative in Andalusia.


Key figures



In recent years, Red Eléctrica has carried out more than 300 actions related to the protection and conservation of cultural heritage: Archaeological and palaeontological surveys and monitoring; soundings and excavations; actions to enhance the value of heritage elements; restoration and museum curation.



Around 5 million euros invested in specialised archaeological and palaeontological work.



More than 40 previously unknown sites have been brought to the attention of the administration and society as a result of our actions. Among these, we have discovered dinosaur footprints and remnants of the numerous peoples and cultures that have inhabited the Iberian Peninsula.

We generate value for society

We collaborate in the conservation, restoration, and dissemination of knowledge related to the actions we undertake to showcase the richness of our heritage to the world.


Scientific dissemination

We participate in informative publications in collaboration with experts and the scientific community.



We work on dating and museum curation of archaeological and palaeontological remains and materials of interest.



We protect and conserve cultural heritage, adding value with unpublished finds included in official archaeological catalogues and records, to ensure their survival.



We organise awareness and volunteer days with employees and their families, as well as training workshops to promote our heritage wherever we are present.


Vida de ecosistema terrestre

Los principales impactos ambientales de Red Eléctrica son los que se derivan de la presencia de las instalaciones en el territorio. Por ello, la compañía trabaja intensamente para hacer que dichas instalaciones estén totalmente integradas en el entorno y territorios en los que desarrolla su actividad, considerando todo su ciclo de vida y prestando especial atención a la conservación de la biodiversidad.

Notable projects

Here are some of our most outstanding and recent heritage projects.