Supporting Territories through the Ecological Transition

We apply listening and dialogue in investment projects to reach consensus on initiatives that improve the quality of life of communities.

Apoyo al territorio

At Red Eléctrica, we aim for our transmission grid to drive the ecological transition of various territories, primarily by improving energy efficiency and digitising municipalities near our facilities.


Before deploying our infrastructure, we engage with local councils and offer our support to guide them towards a sustainable, fair, and inclusive development model.


Once we understand their needs, we provide funding and expertise to facilitate projects that fulfil their requirements, ensuring that they align with Redeia's Comprehensive Impact Strategy.


Backing Municipal Interest Projects


We directly and positively impact municipal financial sustainability


Offering Financial Support and Expertise


To maximise shared value creation

Energy Efficiency and Connectivity in Baza-Caparacena

Línea eléctrica Baza-Caparacena

The new 400 kV line between Baza and Caparacena in Granada is an example of an investment project where listening, dialogue, and consensus with the community have driven the ecological transition across 15 municipalities along the grid's path.

Specifically, we have collaborated on implementing projects to improve quality of life in Guadahortuña, Domingo Perez de Granada, Colomera, Piñar, Pedro Martínez, Moclín, Iznalloz, Villanueva de las Torres, Alamedilla, Deifontes, Dehesa de Guadix, Cortes de Baza, Cuevas del Campo, Benamaurel, and Atarfe.

Working closely with these councils has allowed us to maximise shared value creation through initiatives promoting energy efficiency and self-consumption in public buildings, digital connectivity (optical fibre), and responsible, sustainable water use.


benefiting municipalities


benefiting residents


litres of water saved


million savings 
to municipal coffers


GWh saved through
efficient lighting during our
facilities' lifetime


million in
social value from carbon, water, and


tCO2 emissions avoided from
completed projects


new or renovated
street light fittings


residents have reduced their
digital divide

"Thanks to the power from the solar panels we've installed at the well, we can fill the water tank during the day and use it throughout the daytime. The investment was costly, which is why Red Eléctrica's assistance has been key. In the future, we hope it will even lead to a reduction in our residents' water bills."


Juan Antonio Fernández, mayor of Pedro Martínez



Here is a description of our initiatives village by village

Pedro Martínez

180 photovoltaic solar panels were installed for self-consumption to power pumping at the water supply well for all residents.

  • This installation will prevent 1,088 tonnes of CO2 emissions over its lifetime, generating a social carbon value of €39,190.
  • The agreement has relieved municipal financial burdens.
  • Number of benefiting residents: 1,107.

The Colomera senior recreational centre was renovated following energy efficiency criteria. Specifically, its electrical system was upgraded, and all lighting fittings and aluminium architectural elements were replaced to improve insulation.

  • Two permanent and one temporary job have been created.
  • The facility will prevent 34.3 tonnes of CO2 emissions over its lifetime, with a social value of €1,234.
  • Annual energy savings amount to 5,302 kWh.
  • Financial savings over the project's lifetime amount to €23,548.
  • Number of benefiting residents: 288 directly and 1,309 indirectly

Fibre optic cable was laid from the Caparacena substation to the neighbourhood of the same name to provide internet connection to its residents.

  • Improvement of digital communications in the municipal area.
  • Number of benefiting residents: 724 directly and 18,706 indirectly.
  • The lighting at Piñar Castle, included in the General Catalogue of Andalusian Historical Heritage, was upgraded after installing 24 200 W LED spotlights.
  • This initiative has reduced annual energy consumption by 58.3% (24,528 kWh/year).
  • Financial savings for municipal coffers amount to €115,214 over the project's lifetime.
Domingo Pérez de Granada

The agreement has allowed the replacement of 159 mercury-vapour lamps with efficient LED lighting.

  • As a result, energy consumption has decreased by 63.7% (53,345 kWh/year), saving €250,574 over the project's lifetime
  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding the emission of 345.4 tonnes of CO2 over the project's lifetime, with a social carbon value of €12,417
  • Reduction in light pollution
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens
  • Number of benefiting residents: 890

Nine solar panels for self-consumption were installed at Las Atalayas rural public school in Puerto Lope.

  • The installation produces 11,010 kWh/year.
  • Financial savings over the project's lifetime amount to €65,012.
  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding the emission of 71.3 tonnes of CO2 over the project's lifetime, with a social carbon value of €2,563
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens.
  • Number of benefiting residents: 3,651

The agreement involved the installation of photovoltaic solar panels for self-consumption in nine municipal buildings.

  • The installation produces 178,080 kWh/year
  • Financial savings over the project's lifetime amount to €1.2 million
  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding the emission of 1,153.07 tonnes of CO2 over the project's lifetime, with a social carbon value of €41,452.8
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens thanks to water being pumped to citizens
  • Number of benefiting residents: 5,134

We facilitated the installation of 24 solar panels for self-consumption at the town hall.

  • Self-consumption production amounts to 13,420 kWh/year.
  • Financial savings over the project's lifetime amount to €89,658
  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding the emission of 86.89 tonnes of CO2 over the project's lifetime, with a social carbon value of €3,124
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens
  • Number of benefiting residents: 574
Villanueva de las Torres

Solar LED lighting was installed along the border between town and country, addressing a significant lack of public lighting in the area and improving the quality of life and safety for residents of 24 homes.

  • Annual reduction in energy consumption amounts to 14,121 kWh/year
  • Financial savings over the project's lifetime amount to €66,330
  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding the emission of 91.4 tonnes of CO2 over the project's lifetime, with a social carbon value of €3,287
  • Reduction in light pollution
  • Number of benefiting residents: 582.

Public lighting was upgraded to replace 100W mercury and sodium-vapour lamps with energy-efficient LED technology.

  • A 71% annual reduction in energy consumption has been achieved (6,325 kWh/year)
  • Financial savings for municipal coffers amount to €25,710 over the project's lifetime
  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding the emission of 41 tonnes of CO2 over the project's lifetime, with a social carbon value of €1,472
  • Reduction in light pollution
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens
  • Number of benefiting residents: 2,627
Dehesa de Guadix

This project has had a dual impact. On the one hand, it has improved the efficiency of the town hall, school, and health centre through self-consumption, and on the other, 30 LED light fittings were installed to promote savings.

  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding the emission of 562.9 tonnes of CO2 over the project's lifetime, with a social carbon value of €20,235
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens
  • Number of benefiting residents: 419

We supported research on occupancy patterns and the development of the Casa Murallón archaeological site and the civilisations that inhabited the Baza region, conducted by the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory of the University of Granada.

  • Promotion of local cultural heritage
  • Number of benefiting residents: 2,293

We drove the renovation of the local sports facilities to improve energy efficiency and reduce water consumption. Artificial turf and irrigation systems were installed at the football field, and lighting towers were refurbished.

  • This project saves 700 litres of water/year and 4,200 kWh/year, resulting in savings of €23,016 over the facilities' lifespan.
  • Boosting the local football school.
  • Creation of a permanent job linked to maintenance of the facility.
  • Number of benefiting residents: 25 directly and 1,935 indirectly.
Cortes de Baza

We collaborated on installing 72 400W photovoltaic panels for self-consumption at the local Cultural Centre and other adjacent municipal buildings.

  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding CO2 emissions
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens.
  • Number of benefiting residents: 1,869
Cuevas del campo

The collaboration involved renovating four cave houses following energy efficiency criteria so that they can be managed as municipal rural accommodations. Specifically, this included installing photovoltaic panels for self-consumption.

  • Improvement in air quality by avoiding CO2 emissions
  • Relief of municipal financial burdens
  • Number of benefiting residents: 1,735

Interconnection with Portugal, Another Collaboration with a Positive Impact

We have signed collaboration agreements with municipalities near the Spanish section of the cable that will connect the Spanish and Portuguese electrical systems through the provinces of Ourense and Pontevedra and the Portuguese district of Viana do Castelo. These projects have a positive impact on a population of more than 21,000 people. The projects are related to energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, digital literacy, and preservation of local culture, among others.



Improvement of public lighting to promote energy savings and efficiency in the parishes of Cardelle, Meixe, and Salcedo.



Purchase of two vehicles for the local municipal cleaning services and to ensure mobility for the town's nursing home, as well as installing three charging points.

Carballeda de Avia

Carballeda de Avia

Archaeological survey of the Roman villa of Coto dos Mouro, aimed at progressing in the restoration and signposting of this historical and cultural heritage site.



Improvement of public lighting to promote energy savings and efficiency in the parishes of Beariz, Muradas, and Bouza.



Upgrading country roads to facilitate access for residents (pedestrians, bicycles, and motor vehicles) and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

A Cañiza

A Cañiza

Renovation and improvement of tennis courts by installing efficient lighting to reduce annual energy consumption and promote the use of municipal sports facilities.



Energy efficiency and self-consumption initiatives for former teachers' houses, which, once rehabilitated, will be allocated as social housing for persons experiencing or at risk of vulnerability.