A Network Against Social Inequality

We develop social innovation initiatives that reduce inequalities around our facilities.


For a Just and Inclusive Ecological Transition

At Red Eléctrica, we believe that the ecological transition is only valid if it is just and inclusive. We cannot and do not want to leave anyone behind.

To achieve this, we implement Redeia's social innovation strategy around our infrastructures, aiming to close four distinct inequality gaps: digital, territorial, generational, and gender disparities.

Learn more about Redeia's social innovation

Calle pueblo

Territorial Inequality

We aim to reduce the gap between rural and urban areas through projects that promote the ecological transition, repopulation, entrepreneurship, and local development, among others.

persona tecleando ordenador

Digital Inequality

Our goal is to eliminate the digital gap around 100% of our facilities. Thanks to the fibre optic network in our transmission grid, we help improve connectivity and provide training in new new digital skills to local residents.

persona joven y mayor juntan sus manos

Generational Inequality

We help bridge the opportunity gap affecting certain children, young people, and those over 65 years old through initiatives addressing early school leaving, youth unemployment, and the lack of digital skills among older people.


Gender Inequality

We promote gender equality initiatives around the transmission grid and within our own company, given the male-dominated nature of the energy sector. We encourage women's access to technical and leadership positions and promote young women studying STEAM university degrees.


Vida de ecosistema terrestre

Los principales impactos ambientales de Red Eléctrica son los que se derivan de la presencia de las instalaciones en el territorio. Por ello, la compañía trabaja intensamente para hacer que dichas instalaciones estén totalmente integradas en el entorno y territorios en los que desarrolla su actividad, considerando todo su ciclo de vida y prestando especial atención a la conservación de la biodiversidad.


Focusing on Rural Spain and Beyond

A majority of the transmission grid's infrastructure is located in rural areas, which is why a significant portion of our social initiatives aim to improve the well-being and progress of these communities. However, we are concerned about all areas suffering from any form of inequality and extend our social actions to create shared value for all.


Dos personas se abrazan

Holapueblo, Tackling Depopulation

Holapueblo is the platform through which our group, Redeia, combats one of the main issues affecting the areas around our facilities: rural depopulation.

Aula con alumnos

Scholarships for At-Risk Youth

Through FP Energía Positiva, we support the education of adolescents experiencing or at risk of vulnerability by training them in sectors with high demand for professionals, such as those related to the ecological transition.

Trabajadores manipulando placa solar

Employment in Solar Energy

TalentoSOLAR is a training programme aimed at qualifying unemployed individuals to install photovoltaic solar panels, improving their employability in a sector with high labour demand.

Persona mayor con smartphone

Rural Digitisation

Eje Digital supports the digitisation of rural areas. It offers customised, free digital skills training to citizens, educational institutions, SMEs, entrepreneurs, and municipal bodies.