Red Eléctrica and the Museo Canario, a museum institution that collects a large part of the archipelago's historical and archaeological legacy, began their collaboration in 2023 with the development of a program of outreach activities 'A night at the museum'.

In 2025, Red Eléctrica celebrates its 40th anniversary and this cooperation takes a further step. This February, we both signed and agreement by which Red Electrica provides complementary solutions for the conservation of the documentary heritage of Canary Islands; for research and for the spread of knowledge.

We deepen our help to maintain the identity of Canarian society, to preserve its history, culture and environment. Red Eléctrica contributes with the digitalization and processing of images, also with the enrichment of the digital archive of the Museo Canario.

Moreover, we help with remote access to the content included on the website so that researchers or citizens can preview the documents housed in the newspaper archive with keywords in the entire digitalized press.

We seek to promote the protection of original documentation under appropriate conservation conditions and reinforce cybersecurity measures for online digital reproductions.