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Red Eléctrica expands the information it publishes on grid access and connection status, and includes new technologies such as batteries and hybridization
- The company presents this information in three different states: ongoing requests, requests with access and connection permits, and commissioned facilities
- Additionally, it displays data on the access capacity and installed power of facilities over 1 MW in the peninsular system and over 0.5 MW in non-peninsular systems

Red Eléctrica, the Redeia company responsible for transmission and the operation of the Spanish electrical system, now provides new information on the status of requests for access and connection permits to the grid in a clearer and more accessible way, and includes new technologies such as batteries, hybridisation, or pumping, as well as data on access capacity. It also offers data on the installed power of electricity production facilities over 1 MW on the Peninsula and over 0.5 MW in non-peninsular systems.
This information, which will be updated over the first business days of each month, now includes this data on the status of access and connection requests to the grid as of May 31.
The data provided by the company are structured and classified into three different procedural states: ongoing requests, requests with access and connection permits, and finally, commissioned facilities.
As the backbone of the ecological transition, Red Eléctrica's responsibilities include granting access and connection permits to the grid for new electricity production facilities as established in Law 24/2013, of December 26, on the Electricity Sector.
The commissioning of new electricity production facilities is key to achieving a safe and reliable massive integration of renewable energies, which supports the progress of the decarbonisation of our electrical system