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Emissions (t CO2 eq/h)

REDATA: Statical data

Peninsular daily balancing

Demand day 30/08/2024
689 GWh

Renewable generation
370 GWh (51,2%)

Zero CO2 eq. generation
535 GWh (74,9%)

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In Red Eléctrica we highlight
Exhibition ‘Connected to the Future‘

A new interactive and digital experience, designed to increase knowledge about the Energy Transition and the active role that consumers will play in the future. 

Towards a new future for Spain

The future Peninsula-Ceuta link is a strategic and transformational project that will integrate Ceuta into the mainland electricity system, significantly improving the quality and security of supply, putting an end to its status as an energy island and making significant progress in the energy transition.

The Salto de Chira reversible pumped-storage hydroelectric power station is an essential infrastructure for advancing towards the sustainability of a new energy model for the Canary Islands, based on renewable energies. An innovative project that puts Gran Canaria at the forefront of storage technology.

The new interconnection with France via the Bay of Biscay is recognised as a Project of Community Interest by the European Commission. With its commissioning, we will be able to double our exchange capacity with France, reinforcing the security of both systems and making joint progress in the energy transition.

System reports

Annual online reports with the main figures and statistical ratios referred to the performance of the Spanish electricity system. 

Spain's demand for electricity falls by 0.8 % in July
Spain's demand for electricity falls by 0.8 % in July
Red Eléctrica has started building the last underground stretch of the Mas Figueres-Palau line to promote industrial growth in the Vallés region
An agreement has been reached by all administrations, Red Eléctrica, and residents regarding the second electrical link between the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
Mazón and Corredor analyse new strategic investments in the electricity transmission network in the Valencian Community