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Here you can find all the audio and video materials we produce regarding the different events and projects that Red Eléctrica undertakes. This audio-visual information, which can de downloaded, includes, when necessary, links and supplementary documentation.


Cecre: control centre of renewable energies

In Spain we have the world's first centre that controls renewable energy generation.


Spain-France interconnection

This interconnection will reinforce the security of both electricity systems and will favour the integration of a greater volume of renewable energy, especially wind power energy coming from the Iberian system.


The electricity tug-of-war! Balancing the generation-demand gap

At the precise instance in which we turn on the light, a power station must generate the energy required to meet that need.


Second electrical interconnection between Spain and Morocco

The REMO Project, the electricity interconnection between Spain and Morocco, commenced in 1997 with the installation of the first electricity line and concluded with the commissioning of a second line in June 2006.


Presentation of Red Eléctrica. Guarantee of future and well-being

Since its founding in 1985, Red Eléctrica's activity has been guided by one clear principle: to provide the electricity system and the public with a service of the highest quality and efficiency.


Partial burying of the 400 kV line San Sebastián de los Reyes-Loeches-Morata - 'Barajas Plan'

In 2002 the enlargement works of Madrid's Barajas airport began, the new T-4 terminal and two new runways. Said infrastructures were affected by the fact that a part of the 400 kV line (double circuit San Sebastián de los Reyes-Loeches-Morata).