For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
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Video library
Here you can find all the audio and video materials we produce regarding the different events and projects that Red Eléctrica undertakes. This audio-visual information, which can de downloaded, includes, when necessary, links and supplementary documentation.
Progress of the company, 35th anniversary
Red Eléctrica has reached its 35th anniversary. During all these years, the company has assumed a responsibility to develop a business model that is capable of converting challenges into opportunities, relying on foundations of excellence, innovation, integrity, honesty and combining its business activities with care for the environment and the creation of shared value with society.
Committed to intelligent energy
Red Eléctrica needs to play a leading role in the energy transition of our country. This will require us to take on enormous challenges as transmission agent and operator of the electricity system that we will need to face through innovation.
Improvement of network assets in the Canary Islands
From the moment that it bought the transmission infrastructure in the Canary Islands at the end of 2010, Red Eléctrica embarked on an ambitious plan to update and improve it, known as Project MAR (Improvement of Network Assets).
Our commitment to sustainability 2030
The Red Eléctrica Group has undertaken a commitment to sustainability which is strategic, cross-cutting and with a long-term vision.
Sustainability priorities
4 priorities identified as the drivers to respond to the challenges and opportunities that the Company faces.
Red Eléctrica Forest
With this project, Red Eléctrica offset a part of its CO2 emissions, collaborates on biodiversity conservation and contributes to the development of the local economies through the fact that reforestation works are carried out by local companies and organisations.