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Red Eléctrica commissions the new 220 kV Lousame-Tibo line to strengthen the electrical system in western Galicia
This essential infrastructure improves the quality and reliability of the power supply for both individuals and businesses
Its commissioning enhances the region's economic competitiveness and social development, acting as a catalyst for investment and job creation
Red Eléctrica, Redeia’s subsidiary responsible for electricity operation and transmission in Spain, has commissioned a new 220 kV line between Lousame and Tibo. This infrastructure strengthens the grid in the central-western region of Galicia, between A Coruña and Pontevedra.
This project is part of the current electricity plan approved by the council of ministers, with a planning horizon of 2026. It plays a crucial role in bolstering Galicia’s electrical system while enhancing the competitiveness of its industry and businesses by ensuring a supply that meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. The new line also facilitates the integration and transmission of renewable energies, making it a key asset in advancing Galicia’s energy transition and the sustainable growth associated with it.
The route of the line passes through the towns of A Estrada, Valga, Caldas de Reis, Cuntis, and Pontecesures in the province of Pontevedra, as well as Lousame, Rois, Brión, Padrón, and Teo in the province of A Coruña.
Red Eléctrica has invested around 19 million euros in this project, which was completed over 30 months. The company maintained continuous communication with local governments throughout the process to minimise disruption to daily life in the towns concerned. The works were executed with all necessary permits and authorisations, ensuring full respect for the environment and local heritage.