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The Sequer de Sant Bernat archaeological find
The Mayoress of Alzira, Elena Bastidas; the Director of the Municipal Museum of Alzira (MUMA), Agustí Ferrer, and the regional delegate of Red Eléctrica de España, Maite Vela, presented, in this municipal area of Valencia, both the exhibition and the book "El yacimiento arqueológico del Sequer de Sant Bernat" (The Sequer of Sant Bernat archaeological find).
The book was written by ten specialists under the coordination of archaeologists José Enrique López, Pablo Sañudo and Carlos Verdasco, and under the scientific direction of Agustí Ferrer.
The book, published by Red Eléctrica, presents the results of the archaeological dig completed around Sequer of Sant Bernat, which, according to tradition, is the place where the three siblings Bernat, María and Gracia were made martyrs in 1180 for converting to Christianity.
In this same dig, remains were also found of a burial ground from late ancient or Visigoth period (5th and 7th centuries AD) and also remains of an Islamic settlement in Alzira from between 9th and 10th century. These important finds were discovered through archaeological intervention promoted by Red Eléctrica during the construction of the Bernat 220 kilovolts (kV) substation.
The exhibition displays part of the documented remains as well as the importance of tradition in the area of the finds. Several pieces of grave goods belonging to women buried in this cemetery are displayed, as well as various ceramic pieces of great archaeological value along with some elements of the "Bernardine" tradition.
Coordinated by Red Eléctrica and the Alzira local government, the exhibition "El yacimiento arqueológico del Sequer de Sant Bernat" will be displayed at MUMA and will be open from Tuesday to Sunday until 28 July.
Bernat 220 kV substation
The monographic and exhibition are in response to the collaboration signed in March 2013 between Red Eléctrica and the Alzira local government, in which they agreed to carry out joint research activities and awareness campaigns regarding this archaeological site, discovered during the construction of the Bernat 220 kV substation.
Within the framework of this agreement, it was also agreed to perform landscaping to reduce the visual impact of the substation through the creation and adaptation of living plant screens comprised of 218 specimens of cypress, willow, pine, tamarind, oak and flowering laurel, amongst others.
The Bernat substation is a 220 kV facility, which has been in operation since December 2012. Its purpose is to allow the meshing of the 220 kV transmission grid, to ensure demand coverage in the southeastern areas of the province of Valencia and increase the quality and reliability of supply.
This book is only available in Spanish.