Discover what Red Eléctrica is, what we do, and why we are the backbone of the electricity system in Spain and the ecological transition.
- The Company has completed all the facilities, ahead of the scheduled deadline set for the end of 2018.
- A fundamental step towards the energy transition and
Red Eléctrica Internacional has reached an agreement with Bow Power to acquire 100% of CCNCM, the company holder of the concession contract for the 220 kilovolt (kV) Carhuaquero-Cajamarca Norte-Các
- A sustainability project whose objective is to conserve the biodiversity and the natural and historical-cultural heritage of the area
- A riverside wooded ar
- This amount is earmarked for reducing the regulated costs of the Spanish electricity system.
The Spanish electricity system will receive 38 million euros as a
- 21 blocks of 40 megawatts (MW) and 352 blocks of 5 MW have been allocated for the period between 1 January and 30 June 2019
Red Eléctrica de España has comple
- A total of 2,600 megawatts (MW) of interruptible power will be auctioned; divided into 352 blocks of 5 MW and 21 of 40 MW.
- Red Eléctrica, as system operato
- Grid2030 aims to anticipate the future challenges faced by the transmission agent and system operator.
- The event was attended by the Minister for Science,
- Wind power, with 21.6% of the total, has been the leading generation technology in this month.
- In the cumulative total for 2018, demand for electricity inc
- This committee was created on the proposal of Red Eléctrica’s Chairman, Jordi Sevilla, and arises from the strategic nature associated with sustainability within the Red Eléctrica Gr
- The initiative, which together with other collaboration projects with the municipality, is encompassed within Red Eléctrica’s Corporate Responsibility Policy