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The Government of Castilla y Leon and Red Eléctrica visit La Carballeda forest recovery works
- 55.68 hectares of land affected by forest fires have been recovered with the planting of 104,830 trees
- Investment made by Red Eléctrica de España amounts to 172,000 euros
The Minister for Development and the Environment of the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon, Juan Carlos Suárez-Quiñones, and the Chairman of Red Eléctrica, José Folgado, along with the Mayor of Espadañedo, Saturnino Velasco, today visited the Monte Arriba public ‘common’ land in the region of La Carballeda (Zamora), where the Company has completed the reforestation of 55.68 hectares of land affected by forest fires, a project included within the Red Eléctrica Forest initiative.
Red Eléctrica has contributed 172,000 euros for the regeneration of this natural space through the planting of native tree species, favouring the recovery of the flora and fauna of the area. This project has been carried out under the collaboration agreement signed late last year between the Company and the Ministry of Development and the Environment of the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon. In these planting works, up to six native tree species were used, including oak, pine, cherry, birch and mountain ash; in total, 104,830 trees were planted.
In addition to the forest recovery works performed, several initiatives were undertaken related to environmental education and the public use of the area. Thus, planting works were complemented with the help of the educational programme "I plant my land", which in this case was aimed at primary school students of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades from five local schools. 150 students took part in the planting and were able to learn more about the native species involved, what trees offer us and their relationship with climate change, in addition to raising their awareness and involving them in looking after the environment.
The Red Eléctrica Forest
The ‘Red Eléctrica Forest’ is an environmental programme initiative born in 2009 and is aimed at biodiversity conservation and combating climate change, a programme that contributes to the promotion of natural heritage and that responds to the Company’s commitment to society by increasing the natural capital in the territories in which its facilities and infrastructure are located. This initiative is an ongoing environmental programme that aims to create a forest each year in publicly owned land in different geographic areas in Spain, with the collaboration of entities and public bodies.
The ‘La Carballeda Forest’ in Espadañedo is the second undertaken by the Company in the province of Zamora and adds to the other ten projects carried out to date: The Badajoz Forest, The Teruel Forest, The Alcornocales Forest (Cadiz), The Sierra del Molino Forest (Murcia), The Sierra Calderona Forest (Valencia), The Robledal de Remendón Forest (Vizcaya), The Hellin Forest (Albacete), The Majorca Forest, The Puebla de Sanabria Forest (Zamora) and The Tremuzo Forest (A Coruña).
With the 172,000 euros invested in Red Electrica’s ‘La Carballeda Forest’ in Zamora, the Company has already allocated a total of 1,614,578 euros for the planting of 578,452 trees and shrubs on 720 hectares of degraded lands nationwide which have now been recovered. They have also offset 165,575 tonnes of CO2.
To learn more about The Red Eléctrica Forest, click on the following link:
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