Red Eléctrica awarded the 'Gold Class' distinction in the Sustainability Yearbook 2016


For the first time, Red Eléctrica de España has been awarded the 'Gold Class' distinction in The Sustainability Yearbook, a report by RobecoSAM that recognises companies with best practices in corporate responsibility matters, and is the only Spanish company in its sector to have been awarded this distinction. The Company has also been listed as ‘Sector Mover', a category that recognises those companies that have had the most substantial improvement in performance compared to the previous year.

The twelfth edition of this report was compiled by a team of analysts from RobecoSAM, who examine the activity of 2,126 companies from 42 countries in terms of sustainability, of which only 15% who are the best rated are included in the report and are awarded the category of gold, silver or bronze.

In this edition, Red Eléctrica has been awarded 77 gold medals and was one of only two Spanish companies to reach the maximum category. This year RobecoSAM also awarded the Company 74 silver medals and 97 bronze, with Europe being the region with the highest number of companies included in the yearbook and with the largest number of gold medals awarded.

Michael Baldinger, CEO of RobecoSAM, who congratulated all those who have managed to be included in this year’s edition, said the competition between companies seeking to be included in the annual yearbook is increasing every year.

It is worth noting that this report will be presented at the World Economic Forum (WEF) to be held in Davos on 22 January, which demonstrates the importance of having companies report the positive financial impact that the initiatives they are carrying out have regarding sustainability.


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