Red Eléctrica receives the Ecological Fleet accreditation from AEGFA and IDAE

  • This accreditation certifies that the Company’s vehicle fleet meets strict standards of respect for the environment and sustainable development.
  • Red Eléctrica is the first energy company in Spain to obtain this accreditation.

The Spanish Association of Car Fleet Managers (AEGFA) and the Institute for Diversification and Energy Savings (IDAE) have awarded Red Eléctrica de España the "Ecological Fleet" accreditation. With this accreditation, AEGFA and IDAE certify that the vehicle fleet of the Company meets strict standards of respect for the environment respect and sustainable development.

Red Eléctrica has received the accreditation in its "Master" category, the most demanding, and the award was accepted by the Manager of the Line Maintenance Department, Elena Nogueroles, and the Manager of the Environmental Department, Roberto Arranz.

To grant this recognition, AEGFA not only takes into account aspects such as vehicle efficiency, but also other factors are valued such as the actual management of the fleet, the training of drivers, offsetting of emissions, route optimisation, vehicle maintenance or the corporate commitment of the company itself. In addition, AEGFA provides advice on the implementation of improvements and regularly carries out monitoring to ensure correct compliance in order for said accreditation can be maintained.

Among the milestones achieved by Red Eléctrica in sustainability, noteworthy is the introduction of efficient vehicles (electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrids and those with the highest energy rating among conventional vehicles) and an improved internal fleet management geared towards the quest for efficiency and sustainability.

Roberto Arranz, Manager of the Environmental Department in Red Eléctrica, explained that "receiving this eco-accreditation is a recognition of the work done over the years in the area of ​​corporate fleet management. This certification reaffirms the Company's commitment to sustainable development and the challenges raised in its climate change strategy, to promote energy efficiency, improve the quality of life of employees and boost the positioning of Red Eléctrica as an organisation committed to sustainable development."


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