Red Eléctrica approves its Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2020


The Management Committee of Red Electrica de España has recently approved its Climate Change Action Plan for the period 2015-2020, which defines the objectives in this field and which includes over a hundred measures for achieving its fulfilment, in accordance with the Climate Change Strategy approved in 2011 and updated in May last year.

The plan sets out the objectives grouped into four main courses of action, as set out in the Climate Change Strategy. In order to contribute to a more sustainable energy model, the plan includes the activities related to the electricity system transmission and operation which are necessary for achieving the targets of the European Union energy policy (20/20/20). Thus, the plan seeks to promote the maximum integration of renewables, the increased efficiency of the electricity system and the efficient integration of the electric vehicle.

In addition, the Company will work to reduce the carbon footprint through activities to improve energy efficiency and reduce the Company’s emissions. The measures established focus on reducing emissions of SF6 gas, increased efficiency in electricity consumption (in buildings, substations and the use of information and communication technologies) and reducing the fuel consumption associated to fleet vehicles in business trips. The Company has set a target for 2020 to reduce or offset 21% of their 2010 emissions.

The approved plan also includes measures to involve the stakeholders in the Company's commitment to the fight against climate change, by working together with the public administrations, suppliers, investors and society in general. Finally, Red Eléctrica is working to adapt its business to climate change, focusing on the management of risks and opportunities.

In addition to already defined objectives and measures, the Climate Change Action Plan also sets out guidelines for defining action plans on specific issues such as energy efficiency in the work centres and substations, which, due to its magnitude, require a specific analysis and approval process, and that will be progressively implemented over the next year.

Given the amount and diversity of issues related to climate change, the execution of the plan is possible due to the cross-participation of the units related to the different measures. The plan will be reviewed annually to incorporate results of the projects, as well as the analyses which are performed throughout the duration of the plan. Additionally, new measures deemed necessary to achieve the objectives set shall be included.


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