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The demand for electrical energy grew 0.3% in April
The demand for electrical energy on the Spanish peninsula in the month of April, after having factored in the seasonal and working patterns, grew 0.3% with respect to the same month last year. Gross demand for the month was 18,828 GWh, a value 0.3% higher than the figure for April 2014.
In the first four months of the year, after having factored in the seasonal and working patterns, consumption was up 1.2% on that of the same period last year. The gross demand for electrical energy in this period was 83,661 GWh, 1.9% higher than in the same period in 2014.
Production coming from wind power during this month reached 3,948 GWh, a value slightly higher to that of the same period last year, and represented 20.4% of the total production.
In the month of April, generation coming from renewable energy sources reached 41.3% of production.
63.9% of electricity generation during the month was obtained using technologies which produce zero CO2 emissions.
Generation mix in the month of April 2015
Generation mix January to April 2015
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