As part of the programme of actions of the MAR project in Gran Canaria

Red Eléctrica replaces eleven towers of the Jinámar-Telde and Jinámar-Marzagán lines


Red Eléctrica de España (REE) has begun the first phase of replacement work for eleven towers that share the 66 kilovolt (kV) Jinámar-Telde and Jinámar-Marzagán lines, in Gran Canaria. These actions are included in the framework of the MAR (Grid Asset Improvement) project that the Company has been carrying out in the Canary Islands since 2011. This first phase comprises of the replacement of six towers and the second phase, scheduled for mid-October, will consist of the renovation of five other towers of the outgoing lines of the Jinámar power station and will include the replacement of the conductors and grounding cable, which will require the temporary closure of the GC1 and GC3 motorways.

Since the beginning of the actions included in the MAR project (2011-2015), REE has replaced 18 towers in the area of Jinámar with an investment of 1.7 million euros, with a part of the work being carried out by helicopter, given the difficult terrain of the area and the existence of several outgoing lines crossing over the intersection of two motorways.

The MAR project works include, amongst other actions, the cleaning up of the safety corridors for the lines; repair and improvement of accesses to the towers; installation of identification markers on lines, and the placement and adaptation of protective measures to prevent access to frequented towers.

The MAR project has a budget of 150 million euros for the period 2011-2015, and aims to bring the facilities of the Canary Island transmission grid acquired from Endesa in late 2010 up to the quality standards of the Company. It also aims to integrate them into REE’s control systems and resolve deficiencies in the insular transmission grid in order to ensure the security of the electricity supply in the archipelago. This project has an associated maintenance plan tailored to the special characteristics of the Canary Islands’ electricity grid.

To ensure security of supply, Red Eléctrica conducts periodic inspections of all its lines and facilities on foot, from the air and thermographically.


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