Launch of TSO-TSO cross-border balancing energy exchanges in the SWE region


REE, REN and RTE are pleased to announce the successful launching of cross border balancing energy exchanges in the Spanish-French interconnection and the coming launching of these exchanges also in the Spanish-Portuguese interconnection.

These balancing exchanges, already in place in the France-UK interconnection since December 2010, have been extended to the Spanish-French interconnection on 11th June allowing bilateral TSO-TSO exchanges of balancing energy between France and Spain, and in a second step they will also be extended to the Spanish-Portuguese border, the 17th of June 2014, also allowing these bilateral balancing exchanges in this interconnection of the Iberian Peninsula, and consolidating the common project for the implementation of cross border balancing mechanisms in the SWE region.

From 17th June, with the implementation of cross border balancing exchanges in the SWE region, an important step will have been achieved in terms of closer cooperation and coordination of the European balancing markets, as promoted by both, the ACER Framework Guidelines on Electricity Balancing sent to the EC on 18 September 2012, and the draft Network Code sent to ACER on 23 December 2013.

This new schema for cross-border balancing exchanges will contribute to the optimization of the use of the interconnection capacity after the adjustment of the commercial exchanges in the intraday market, a higher coordination between the electric systems, an increased market competition which will result on a more efficient use of balancing resources, lower balancing and imbalance settlement prices, and will also facilitate the integration of renewable energy in the electricity market.

Market participants can find all the relevant information about these cross border balancing mechanisms on respective REE, REN and RTE websites.

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