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Red Eléctrica begins to publish the new hourly electricity prices
- Users whose contracted power capacity does not exceed 10 kW will be able to know the price at which they will be billed for electricity based on the time of consumption.
- This information will be available on the website of the system operator from 8:15 pm the previous day and via the ‘SmartVIu’ application from the Apple Store.
Red Eléctrica de España, as operator of the Spanish electricity system is responsible for calculating and publishing the new “Voluntary Price for Small Consumer” (PVPC). To this end, it has developed an IT information service through which the small consumer can be fully informed of the price of electricity that will be applied in accordance with Royal Decree 216/2014 published in the Official State Gazette on March 29 and that will come into effect tomorrow, 1 April. This tool provides end users with a range of possibilities for improving the management of their electricity consumption.
The prices that the system operator will publish through the “Voluntary Price for Small Consumer” IT service will apply only to those consumers whose contracted power capacity does not exceed 10 kilowatts (kW). These prices will act on the electricity consumption (variable energy charge - kWh consumed) of the bill that the operator of the system calculates using the new approved methodology.
The “Voluntary Price for Small Consumer”, available on the web of the system operator’s information system of Red Eléctrica (eSios) via and through the ‘SmartVIu’ smartphone application available from the Apple Store, is updated every day at around 8:15 pm with the hourly prices for the next day.
Consumers with hourly smart meters
In this way, Red Eléctrica offers consumers who have opted for PVPC, the ability to see the financial impact of their electricity consumption depending on the access tolls plan chosen between the general tariff, the night tariff or the super-valley tariff (electric vehicle).
The impact of these prices on the bill are reflected in the variable energy charge, which represents about 60% of the total for consumers covered by the general tariff and 70% for those with a night-time tariff or a super-valley tariff. In any case, the price per hour will be applied that the user is going to pay for each kWh consumed.
The total of the electricity bill is completed by the inclusion of a fixed charge proportional to the power contracted by the user as well as the taxes established by current legislation.
These prices will be used, as established in said Royal Decree that comes into effect tomorrow, for all residential consumers, whether they have smart meters with hourly metering or if they are yet to have one installed. In the latter case, prices will apply based on the profiles that Red Eléctrica draft with the new methodology approved by the Government and will be published and updated weekly on Red Eléctrica’s “eSios” website.
According to the Ministerial Order IET/290/2012 of 16 February, 2012, all users must have a smart meter fitted by 2018, but its implementation will be gradual. Thus, the prices published by Red Eléctrica through this information service can be applied to the bills of up to 16 million consumers with a contracted power not exceeding 10 kW, allowing them to schedule their electricity consumption based on this amount.
This initiative comes as part of the commitment of Red Eléctrica de España to offer, with the highest quality and transparency possible, information that is useful to consumers. Shortly, the Company will also provide users who don’t have a smart hourly meter installed with a calculator that will help them to see the final amount of their electricity bills.
The Press Office of Red Eléctrica publishes all written and visual information via the Twitter account @RevistaREE.
Also on Facebook through the account Revista Entrelíneas.