Recovery of demand confirmed

Demand for electrical energy grew 6.1%

New maximums of wind power energy production

The demand for electrical energy on the Spanish peninsula was 21,897 GWh in the month of February representing an increase of 6.1% with respect to the same month last year. Factoring in the effects of seasonal and working patterns, the adjusted demand grew 3.3%.

Evolution of demand growth

Blue line: Demand.
Red line: Adjusted demand.

In the first two months of the year, 39% of the electricity produced was obtained from renewable sources.
Wind power production during the month of February accounted for 20% of the total production and represented a growth of 38.6% with respect to the same period in 2009. This production, along with that of hydroelectric and solar, meant that 38% of total production was of renewable origin, five percentage points higher than the same month last year. So far this year, production from renewable sources has represented 39% of the total.

Wind power maximums
It is worth highlighting, that during the month of February, new all time maximum records of wind power production were established. At 11:20 am on 24 February, an instantaneous power of 12,916 MW was registered, the previous maximum, 12,880 MW, had been registered earlier in the month (5 February). Additionally, on 24 February, a maximum hourly wind power production of 12,843 MW was registered between 11:00 and 12:00 a.m., as well as a total daily production of 270,417 MWh

Demand coverage for February