Power generation obtained from renewable sources has surpassed 35% so far this year

The demand for electrical energy grew 1% in September


The demand for electrical energy on the Spanish peninsula reached 20,701 GWh in the month of September, representing an increase of 1% with respect to the same month in 2009, and a growth of 0.4% in gross demand, a figure which includes the factoring in of the effects of seasonal and working patterns, in addition to the effects of the general strike on September 29, which has been estimated as a reduction of 0.5% with respect to monthly consumption.

In the first nine months of the year electricity consumption was 194,553 GWh, 3% higher than in the same period last year, and 3.4% in gross terms.

Evolution of demand growth

Blue line: Gross demand.
Red line: Demand.

General strike 29 September
The average reduction in the consumption of energy on the Spanish peninsula during the day of the general strike was 14% with respect to the forecasts generated by Red Eléctrica. The maximum difference between the forecasts and the actual demand was reached between 8:00am and 9:00am with a reduction of 19.3% in consumption.

Wind power production falls 8%
During the month of September, generation obtained from wind power fell 8% with respect to the same period in 2009, representing 10.2% of the total production. Similarly, generation obtained from renewable sources reached 21.3% of the total production, compared to 20% in the same month last year.

Between January and September, production obtained from renewable sources represented 35.1% of the total generation.

Additionally, 43.9% of the electricity generated during the month was produced by technologies which do not produce CO2 emissions.

Generation mix in the month of September

Generation mix January to September 2010

NB As of June this year, we have been taking as a reference the demand figures once the effects of seasonal and working patterns have been factored in to provide data which better reflects actual consumption figures.