Demand for electrical energy falls 2% in March


The demand for electrical energy on the Spanish peninsula in the month of March, having factored in the seasonal and working patterns, dropped 2% with respect to the same month last year. Gross demand was 21,373 GWh, 6.1% lower than in March 2011.

In the first three months of the year, after factoring in the seasonal and working patterns, consumption was 2% lower than in the same period in 2011. Gross electricity demand in this period was 67,095 GWh, a fall of 0.9% with regard to the same quarter in 2011.

Blue line: gross demand.
Red line: demand.

29 March 2012 - General Strike in Spain
The demand registered on 29 March, the day on which the general strike was held, was 591,630 MWh as compared to 694,756 MWh, the demand figure forecasted by Red Eléctrica. Therefore, the average reduction in consumption for that day, compared to that forecasted, was 14.84%.

In the month of March, energy production obtained from wind power reached 3,736 GWh, representing a drop of 20% with regard to the same period last year; representing 17.2% of the total generation. During this month, generation obtained from renewable energy sources represented 29.1% of the total production, 11.3 percentage points down on that registered in March 2011.

In the month of March, 51.8% of electricity production was obtained from technologies which produce zero CO2 emissions.

Generation mix in the month of March


Generation mix from January to March 2012