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Red Eléctrica shares its fire-prevention protocols with fire-fighting experts to combat fires
- Red Eléctrica technicians attended the 2nd Extremadura Fire Forum (Mesa del Fuego de Extremadura), an event where experts, managers, and public administrations share the latest technological advances and management activities for fire prevention under the company's power lines
- Participation is part of a collaboration agreement with the Government of Extremadura

Throughout the day, the technicians shared their methodology and protocols with attendees, as well as the technology that Red Eléctrica uses to prevent forest fires. This is aimed at optimising management and streamlining collaboration with public administrations when a fire breaks out with the potential to affect the 30 substations and the 3,220 kilometres of 220 and 400 kV power lines, which ensure supply security and electricity transmission in Extremadura.
The forest fire collaboration between Red Eléctrica and the Government of Extremadura is long-standing, and in 2024, the joint collaboration agreement was renewed until 2028. The agreement includes fire prevention in the vicinity of electric lines, and outreach and preventive actions by establishing the coordination and methodology for carrying out forest fire prevention actions, including managing vegetation below lines and defining action and coordination protocols for situations which require fire-fighting.