Red Eléctrica completes the approval process for the Antas sub-station, a key step towards finalising the eastern Andalusia electrical corridor

The project has received authorisation for construction, allowing Red Eléctrica to move forward with the development of this sub-station.

The sub-station is part of the second section of the eastern Andalusia electrical corridor, which will run between Baza and Antas. Currently, it is still in the approval phase.

The Baza-Antas section joins the Caparacena-Baza corridor, which was commissioned in 2022. Thus, it will address the deficit in the transmission infrastructure in northern Granada and Almería, strengthening security of supply and promoting the ecological transition. It will also support railway corridors: the Mediterranean-Granada and Almería routes, as well as the high-speed rail line connecting Murcia and Almería.


Red Eléctrica has completed the approval process for the new Antas sub-station (formerly known as La Ribina) following the issuance of the Administrative Authorisation for its Construction. This milestone enables the company to proceed with the execution of this key sub-station within the eastern Andalusia corridor.

The authorisation granted by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge also includes the 400 kV Antas-Carril-Litoral 1 input-output line, which stretches approximately five kilometres between the towns of Vera and Antas (Almería).

This authorisation is a critical step in completing the Caparacena-Baza-Antas corridor. The first section (Caparacena-Baza) has been in operation since 2022, while the second section (Baza-Antas) is currently undergoing environmental approval. This strategic corridor addresses the historical shortage of electrical infrastructure in northern Granada and Almería, promoting equal opportunities, territorial cohesion, and social justice.

The new sub-station and input-output line are fundamental components of the corridor, designed to enhance the quality and security of power supply in the northern region of eastern Andalusia. Additionally, they will lay the foundation for attracting business investments, becoming a true driver of economic growth and job creation. The project will also consolidate Andalusia’s position as a renewable energy hub by facilitating the integration of the region’s considerable renewable resources. Thus, it will play a decisive role in meeting ecological transition objectives.

Furthermore, the project will advance long-standing regional demands by enabling the electrification of key railway corridors, including the Mediterranean corridor (Granada-Almería) and the high-speed rail line (Murcia-Almería).

Through this initiative, the project aims to stimulate the local economy, providing new opportunities for businesses and improving the quality of life for residents. Likewise, it continues with the ecological transition and supports the development of new railway infrastructure in eastern Andalusia.

Authorisation of both the Antas sub-station and the Antas-Carril-Litoral 1 line is in addition to previous environmental and administrative authorisation, clearing the way for construction to begin. The project is expected to be completed in 2025.

A project with a positive impact on the region

As part of its initiatives, Red Eléctrica is implementing its integrated impact strategy to generate a lasting positive impact on the region. The strategy aims to enhance the quality of life for local communities through projects linked to the ecological transition and energy efficiency. 

To this end, the company has signed collaboration agreements with 15 towns in Granada involved in the first section of the eastern Andalusia corridor, between Caparacena and Baza. These projects focus on installing self-consumption solar panels in public buildings, upgrading public lighting with energy-efficient solutions, reducing the digital divide, and protecting the historical and cultural heritage of local communities. Red Eléctrica now intends to extend these same benefits to towns in Almería. The company is actively working with local governments to develop projects that deliver tangible benefits to their residents.  

According to Red Eléctrica’s estimates, the agreements already in place in Granada will positively impact more than 44,000 residents, generating both direct and indirect benefits. Moreover, the initiatives are also expected to deliver significant savings for municipal budgets and create substantial social value.