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The Electricity Transmission Grid Planning with a 2026 horizon has been approved to drive a greener future for Spain
- The Transmission Grid Planning is a key instrument for developing the electricity infrastructure needed to continue guaranteeing the security of supply in addition to promoting the energy transition process nationwide to ensure that renewable energy will account for 67% of the national electricity generation mix by 2026.
- The drafting of the Planning has followed a rigorous Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure to ensure it is sustainable and environmentally friendly.
- The projects included in the Planning will contribute to achieving significant efficiencies and savings for the system as a whole, more than 1.6 billion euros per year. In addition, the investments will help boost Spain's recovery from the crisis.
The 2021-2026 Electricity Transmission Grid Planning, which is binding for Red Eléctrica, has been given the green light after having been approved today by the Spanish Government following its presentation in the Spanish Congress of Deputies. With an investment of 6,964 million euros, this new Plan is a strategic instrument through which the necessary infrastructure will be developed so that Spain may continue to enjoy an electricity supply with high levels of quality and will allow further progress to be made in the decarbonisation of its energy model and in its fight against climate change.
In this regard, the actions included within the Plan will size and prepare the transmission grid in the coming years to be able to connect and integrate a higher share of renewable energy generation in line with the pace set by Spain’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and make it available to consumers. Thanks to the development of this infrastructure, it is estimated that in 2026 renewable energy will reach a share of 67% in the national electricity generation mix and will enable CO2 eq emissions to be reduced by 66% compared to those recorded in 2019 (the year before the pandemic), provided that the NECP forecasts and the full implementation of this Plan are met. Similarly, the projects included in the Planning, will contribute to achieving significant efficiencies and savings for the system as a whole, more than 1.6 billion euros per year. In addition, the investments will help boost Spain's recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
The planning process followed a rigorous Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure to ensure it is sustainable and environmentally friendly. It should be noted that the planning took into account the environmental and territorial conditioning factors and has prioritised these aspects in the final design. Furthermore, the Planning includes making greater use of the existing transmission grid, thus avoiding those areas that are most environmentally sensitive and reducing those actions that may have an impact on the territory. In fact, only 13% of all renewable generation expected to be connected by 2026 will require new transmission substations.
A Plan conceived by all for society as a whole
This electricity Planning is the result of the responsible and collective efforts of all stakeholders. The public administrations and the different agents of civil society have participated in its preparation, working together with a common goal: to build, together, a useful and valuable transmission grid for everyone. For the first time, the consultation process has been open to all citizens, companies and public administrations, whose high level of participation has demonstrated the enormous interest of society as a whole in the energy transition process.
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