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Red Eléctrica launches a new app to follow the decarbonisation of the electricity system in Spain in real time
- This application, which replaces and is an evolution of SmartVIu app, provides information on the main indicators of the behaviour of the national, peninsular, Balearic Islads and Canary Islands electricity systems.
- In order to make knowledge on the electricity system easier to access by the general public, redOS breaks down the information into two profiles: the consumer profile, aimed at society in general, and the professional profile, more focused on those users who are familiar with the sector.
Red Eléctrica de España (REE) has today launched redOS, an application for smartphones that enables users to consult real-time information on the behaviour of the electricity system and thus follow the evolution of the energy transition in Spain. This new app, which replaces and is an evolution of SmartVIu app, adds new functionalities and expands the range of content designed both for experts in the sector and for society in general.
One of the main new features presented by redOS is user segmentation through the use of two profiles: one for professionals in the sector, which offers more technical information in the area of electricity management; and another aimed at consumers, which has focused on ease of use and accessibility to data such as that regarding electricity generated using technologies which produce zero CO2 emissions and which today has become relevant to consumers. This is, among others, one of the main metrics that showcase the evolution of the energy transition and the progress made regarding the targets set by the European Union to achieve full decarbonisation by 2050.
The new app of the system operator also displays data in both profiles on the evolution of the electricity demand in real time, as well as the electricity generation mix over the last 13 months with a breakdown by technology, emphasising the contribution made by renewable energy, which up until 15 November has been responsible for 43.6% of all electricity generated in Spain in 2020.
Miguel Ángel Muro, Manager of System Operation Services Area at Red Eléctrica de España, explains that "we are at the beginning of a new era in which society understands that the electricity system is the basis for decarbonisation." For this reason, the Company wanted to make an effort to also bring this real-time information closer to those citizens who are not experts in the field and to do so in a way that is both simple and understandable: "Transparency of information is vital, but clarity is key: we want anyone outside the sector to be able to consult and understand the data in order to make the best possible decisions and to learn more about the electricity sector’s contribution to sustainability," said Mr. Muro.
With redOS, the retail price curve or Voluntary Price for Small Consumers (PVPC in Spanish) can also be viewed, in other words, the price of regulated tariffs. In addition to the evolution of the hourly price of the regulated tariff, which is one of the contents of greatest general interest, redOS also displays the price obtained by self-consumption customers who have taken advantage of the PVPC and who supply the grid with whatever surplus electricity production they generate.
"Our goal is to provide citizens with data in an accessible and user-friendly format. While it is possible that citizens may not be familiar with the data, this information can be of great use to them in their day-to-day lives as at present they, as consumers, are starting to play a more active and participative role in this field," explains Mr. Muro.
App users who connect under the professional profile will also have access to extended information both on the wholesale price resulting from the Spanish market and that of other European markets, as well as on the prices of the replacement reserve, tertiary and secondary energy, balancing energy and the final price of energy.
In addition, users with a professional profile will also have access to data on installed power capacity per technology and by autonomous community; cumulative production data at the end of the month and year and information on the energy that the peninsular electricity system exchanges both with the Balearic Islands system and with the interconnected countries (France, Portugal, Andorra and Morocco).
Information by system and other noteworthy features
Unlike its predecessor, redOS offers information not only at a national level but also for the peninsular, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands systems, with indicators for the Ceuta and Melilla systems soon to be incorporated, allowing the user to obtain the most detailed picture possible of the behaviour of the electricity system at any given moment.
In addition, Red Eléctrica is launching the first unified curve of the Canary Islands' electricity system through redOS, which is made up of five island systems and a sixth system integrating the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. This new curve provides data on actual, forecasted and scheduled demand and offers information on renewable energy technologies and those which produce zero CO2 emissions that make up the generation mix in the archipelago.
A new relationship between the system operator and the consumer
Aware that the new participative role of the consumer is of vital importance in the fight against climate change within the field of energy, Red Eléctrica de España has established, through redOS, a direct communication channel with consumers through push notifications in which it can make recommendations to app users regarding more efficient and responsible consumption. At the same time, users can also make suggestions for improving the software through a direct contact channel set up for this very purpose.
Another of the app's new functionalities is that each user can configure its initial screen by ordering the contents according to the information that is most relevant to them. In addition, all content offered by redOS can be shared with other users through social networks, email or instant messaging systems. In the coming weeks, new updates will be made with the incorporation of the night-time display mode and a system of maximum and minimum alerts that can be customised by the user.