For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
A university to foster talent, innovation and transformation
The Red Eléctrica Group Campus is a space open to everyone, that promotes collaboration and interaction between professionals from different fields. Its protagonists are people, talent and innovation in order to face, with guarantees, the challenges posed by the energy transition.
Light, transparency, technology and diversity are the sensations that fill you when you enter the Red Eléctrica Group Campus, a 6,000 square metre space that, as a corporate university, strives to integrate talent management with professional and personal development to help prepare people for new challenges.
The global transformation of society is a high-speed train that Red Eléctrica has already climbed on board in order to face the challenges of the energy transition and continue to be a company of reference, with people and talent as the protagonists of such process.
A platform to showcase the Company's strategy, values and culture
It was 2016 when the Company started the project to evolve the Red Eléctrica Corporate School (ECRE), created in 2010, towards a new model that combines all of the Company's learning programmes and, in addition to training its employees, could act as a platform to showcase the Company’s strategy, values and culture.
The Campus was conceived with a comprehensive approach in order to respond to the challenges of the future
And thus, the Red Eléctrica Group Campus was conceived in 2017, a corporate university model that is created as a global and comprehensive platform, which, in addition to having the technical focus of the Company's previous training centres, provides a meeting, collaboration and innovation space. The objective is to prepare people to respond to professional, personal or business challenges and, in this way, guarantee the Company’s position of reference in the service they provide to society.
Structured into three institutes - Technical Training, Transformation & Innovation, and Leadership - the Campus takes off with the vision of becoming a global reference in talent management by unlocking and developing people's potential in order to promote the transmission of knowledge and to be a catalyst for new options for the sector and for the Company’s business.
During 2018, 553 courses and 129,475 hours of training and development programmes were imparted aimed at enhancing the talent of the people of the Red Eléctrica Group. A total of 5,884 people attended.
My time in the Red Eléctrica Group Campus is always very enriching. Apart from being a very nice and comfortable space, that transmits a lot of peace and tranquillity, every time I come to the Campus, I do it with a wide open mind and fully prepared to take on board something new. And that's the way it is, I always leave the Campus having learnt a lot of new things that, at least one, I try to apply in my day to day.
Salvador Vilalta,
North-Eastern Regional Office - Sentmenat
Believe, Create, Grow
The Red Eléctrica Group Campus wants to be an open, flexible and multidisciplinary forum, adaptable to new trends and business requirements and in permanent dialogue with stakeholders.
Under the motto "Believe, Create, Grow” the campus is a space based on belief in people, excellence, specialisation and the integration of cultures, and fosters creation under the parameters of innovation, technology, and efficiency. All this, with the aim of growing, promoting the transformation of the Company and contributing to the development of a high performance and highly competitive business, as well as helping to contribute to the diversification and internationalisation of the business.
In order to contribute to this goal, the Campus has the most innovative training tools in their laboratories, collaborative work spaces and technical classrooms, such as the classroom that houses the simulator of the Electricity Control Centre, aimed at training operators, or the workshop classrooms regarding substations, protections and communications.
We must believe in our professionals and in ourselves in order to be able to create within an environment of permanent change, in a context in which we have to evolve and be innovative, that will enable each one of us to grow, develop ourselves, but above all, to help Red Eléctrica grow and continue to be the company of reference which we are all so proud to belong to.
José Luis Mata,
Manager of Talent Management Department