Publication list

The Spanish Electricity System Report

This publication incorporates the most relevant data regarding those services that are necessary to ensure the quality, reliability and security conditions of the electricity supply. Ancilliary services are understood as the resolution of technical constraints, complementary services and deviation management.

In 2014, electricity demand continued the downward trend experienced over recent years. However, it is worth noting that in 2014 the fall was lower than that recorded in 2013, indicating that consumption, unlike in previous years, has shown some signs of recovery. Specifi cally, the demand for electrical energy on the Spanish peninsula (which represents 94.3% of the national total) closed the year at 243,530 GWh, a fi gure 1.2% lower than that registered in 2013. After factoring in the eff ects of the seasonal and working patterns, the demand for electricity, mainly attributable to economic activity, showed a slight decrease of 0.1%, ompared to the fall of 2.2% experienced in 2013.

The demand for electricity in 2013 fell again for the third consecutive year reaching a level similar to that registered in 2005. Ever since the economic crisis began in 2008, demand has experienced a continued decline consistent with the negative behaviour of the Spanish economy and, despite following a path of gradual improvement in 2013 with a small increase in the third and fourth quarters (0.1% and 0.2% respectively quarter on quarter), in general 2013 saw a drop in GDP of 1.2% year on year.