For 40 years, we've been driving our country's economic and social progress. Four decades shaping Spain.
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Electricity, the force of nature tamed

The first section of the exhibition is dedicated to the physical principles of electricity, to the thousand and one faces of this phenomenon: its properties, its origin and its applications.
It has a laboratory for experiments that invites you to discover the different ways in which this physical phenomenon is manifested, such as the electric arc, the plasma sphere or the Tesla coil.
In this section you will find:
- The electricity laboratory
From the power station to your home

The second section explains the electricity supply process: the challenge of maintaining the balance between generation and consumption. How is electricity generated? How does it travel along electricity networks? How does it reach our homes? In other words, it explains what the electricity system is and how it works.
Electricity is not always generated close to the location where it is needed, so it is essential to transport it over long distances at high voltage. The exhibition aims to improve society’s understanding of the need to develop the transmission grid and build interconnections as well as promote social acceptance of these infrastructures.
In this section Red Eléctrica’s commitment to the natural environment, the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against climate change is also reflected through examples of how electricity facilities and infrastructure are made compatible with the landscape and by implementing preventive and corrective measures to minimise potential environmental effects.
In this section you will find:
- Where does electricity come from?
- Electricity production centres
- Transmission grid
- A meshed grid
- Prepared for emergency situations
The arrival of hurricane Klaus on 23 and 24 January 2009 caused the worst damage ever seen in the peninsular electricity system in at least the last 25 years. Red Eléctrica activated the largest emergency action plan, involving both technical and human resources, in its history to restore service in areas hit by this adverse weather condition.
- The challenge of maintaining the balance
Behind the wall socket in your home there is an enormous array of facilities and equipment that guarantee that electricity is available every time you turn on a switch. Red Eléctrica is a key component of this system as it is responsible for the real-time coordination of the operation and monitoring of power stations and the high voltage electricity transmission grid.
- Integration of renewables
- Red Eléctrica in your Autonomous Community
- Scale layout of the electricity system
- Interconnections between islands
- Our commitment to the territory
- The Spain-France Interconnection
The new interconnection is closer thanks to this interactive exhibit. This is an intuitive display that allows users to discover all the details of the new electricity infrastructure, from its economic and strategic importance to the technical details or the mitigating measures undertaken to protect the environment.
- International Interconnections
- Interconnections Game
- ‘Connect and Respect’ Game
In this game the visitor is put in the shoes of the engineers who design the routes and layout of the lines. The goal is to build an electricity line that carries electricity from power generating stations to the consumption points to meet the electricity demand. Take care! The route the electricity line you define/choose must be as respectful as possible with the natural and social environment.
- Birds and electricity lines
- Committed to biodiversity
- The Red Eléctrica Forest
- R&D+i
From your side of the wall socket… responsible consumption
In the third section, the visitor, as a citizen and as a consumer, becomes the protagonist. Through various interactive exhibits you can find out how our society consumes electricity and the effect our consumption habits have on the electricity system as a whole.
In this section you will find:
- The electric car
Did you know...? In the coming years it will be possible to power up to a quarter of all cars in Spain without additional investments in generation and the transmission grid, if smart charging is done during off-peak hours. Find out more in this electric vehicle simulator!
- How do we consume?
How much do you consume throughout the year? What about your home appliances?
If you want to know more ... We'll tell you! - Voluntary Price for Small Consumers (PVPC)
- At home
- And you ... how do you consume?
Want to know if you are using electricity correctly? If so, this is the interactive exhibit for you.

In this section you can find various publications, as well as support information to complement this exhibition.
- About us
- Electricity components and materials
- A socially responsible exhibition
- Photo booth
- Tweetwall
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