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Allocation of the interruptibility service to large electricity consumers commences
The allocation of the interruptibility service corresponding to the period between 1 January and 31 May 2018, has begun today, through the holding of the competitive bidding auction convened by the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda, and managed by Red Eléctrica at the Valladolid Trade Fair Venue.
As established in the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy, approving the requirement for a set volume of interruptible power to be auctioned, a total of 2,600 megawatts (MW) will be auctioned for this specific period; divided into 376 blocks of 5 MW (1,880 MW) and 8 blocks of 90 MW (720 MW).
The starting prices set by the Secretary of State for Energy in the Resolution of 7 October 2016, which approved the calendar and characteristics for the 2017 electricity auction, published in the BOE of 12 October 2016, were 310,000 euros/MW for products of 90 MW and 160,000 euros/MW for those of 5 MW.
The allocation mechanism will be similar to that of previous years and will be carried out through reverse auctions that will start at 150,000 euros/MW per year for the 5 MW blocks and at 270,000 euros/MW per year for the 90 MW blocks.
During the next few days, about 150 large industry electricity-intensive companies will compete for the awarding of the interruptibility service for the period from 1 January to 31 May 2018.
The final results of the auction will be published on Red Eléctrica’s System Operator Information System (e-Sios) website), once they have been validated by the National Markets and Competition Commission.
The Press Office of Red Eléctrica publishes all written and audio-visual information via the Twitter account @RedElectricaREE.
Also on Facebook through the account RedElectricaREE.