Logotipo de Red Eléctrica de España

Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Daily statistics of the Spanish peninsular's electricity system

Provisional data to 28/01/2025 • 18:09:18

Daily energy balance (GWh) (1) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Annual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Hydro 102 4.064 158,9 15.814 57,1 31.511 49,1
Nuclear 111 3.526 -23,3 16.743 -14,0 51.933 -7,9
Coal 7 220 -15,6 919 -35,8 3.419 -46,9
Combined cycle (3) 58 1.535 -37,0 7.679 -31,4 36.369 -35,8
Wind 175 4.611 -3,9 23.187 -0,6 61.208 0,0
Solar PV 128 3.947 6,2 11.378 7,8 37.535 22,1
Solar thermal 8 443 -29,2 866 -35,1 4.228 -7,0
Other renewables (4) 12 304 11,7 1.155 -5,9 3.514 -16,8
Cogeneration (5) 50 906 -42,3 5.143 -17,5 16.198 2,7
Non-renewables waste (6) 2 60 -25,4 307 -21,6 1.101 -27,4
Renewable waste (6) 1 38 -17,8 190 -17,7 667 -4,4
Generation 654 19.654 -1,6 83.380 -2,4 247.683 -4,5
Pumped storage (7) 15 477 -22,0 2.044 4,6 5.294 14,6
Batteries 0 1 814,8 2 715,5 6 2.037,8
Pumped storage consumption -17 -714 -23,1 -3.375 6,4 -8.396 13,8
Batteries consumption 0 -1 629,9 -3 595,6 -8 1.691,5
Balearic-Peninsula link (8) -5 -109 11,6 -458 16,2 -1.490 70,5
Exchange balance (9) -22 -1.191 -49,6 -3.634 -46,7 -10.777 -52,1
Demand (b.c) 624 18.117 5,4 77.958 1,2 232.312 -0,4
Adjusted demand (10) - - 1,9 - 1,7 - 0,2
Transmission losses -12 -440 19,4 -1.805 7,7 -4.949 5,3
Demand (distribution) 613 17.677 5,0 76.153 1,1 227.363 -0,5

Generation structure

Rolling year aggregate
  • No renewable:
    • Coal
    • Nuclear
    • Combined cycle
    • Non-renewables waste
    • Cogeneration
  • Renewable:
    • Other renewables
    • Solar thermal
    • Hydro
    • Solar PV
    • Renewable waste
    • Wind

Renewable energy

Renewable energy (GWh) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Anual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Total (11) 426 13.408 21,6 52.590 12,5 138.663 13,2

Maximum demand

Maximum Demand Day Month Year Historical
Instantaneous Peak Load (MW) 30.133 (21:27) 33.408 (21:15 - 02/04) 38.272 (20:56 - 09/01) 45.450 (18:53 - 17/12/2007)
Peak Load (MWh) 29.672 (22h) 33.124 (22h - 02/04) 38.199 (21h - 11/01) 44.876 (20h - 17/12/2007)
Daily demand (GWh) 624 655 (02/04) 776 (10/01) 906 (18/12/2007)

Hydraulic data

Hydraulic data for 30 of april of 2024

Hydroelectric reserves (GWh) Maximum capacity (A) Today (B) (B/A) % Δ Day 30/04/2023 (C) (C/A) % 01/01/2024 (D) (D/A) %
Annual regime 8.967 7.255 80,9 -22 5.471 61,0 5.363 59,8
Hyperannual regime 9.571 6.694 69,9 -15 4.414 46,1 4.071 42,5
Total 18.538 13.948 75,2 -37 9.885 53,3 9.434 50,9
Producible hydroelectric energy Day Month Index (month) % P> (12) Year Index (year) % P> (12) Rolling year (2) Index (rolling year) % P> (12)
GWh 64 4.975 1,4 24,4 20.316 1,4 19,1 35.574 1,3 15,3
  • Note: All variance percentages shown refer to the same period in the previous year.
  • (1) Allocation of production units according to primary fuel.
  • (2) Rolling year: cumulative value in the last 365 days, or 366 days in leap years.
  • (3) Includes operation in open cycle mode.
  • (4) Includes biogas, biomass, marine energy and geothermal. The values of increase and rolling year include waste up until 31 December 2014.
  • (5) The increment and rolling year values include waste up to December 31, 2014.
  • (6) Generation included in other renewables and cogeneration on 12/31/2014.
  • (7) Pure pumped storage + mixed pumped storage estimate.
  • (8) Positive value: incoming energy; negative value: outgoing energy.
  • (9) Positive value: import balance; negative value: export balance
  • (10) After factoring in the influence of seasonal and working patterns
  • (11) Includes hydro, wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, other renewables and renewable waste.
  • (12) Percentage of probability of exceeding the index value.