Logotipo de Red Eléctrica de España

Monday, 28 February 2022

Daily statistics of the national electricity system

Definitive data to 10/01/2023 • 11:47:48

Daily energy balance (GWh) (1) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Annual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Hydro 40 1.175 -74,0 3.261 -62,0 24.312 -25,5
Pumped storage (3) 3 285 -29,0 501 -30,6 2.428 -19,3
Nuclear 170 4.771 9,5 9.819 2,7 54.302 -1,5
Coal 29 569 222,6 1.279 74,1 5.527 35,9
Fuel oil+gas 10 323 13,8 685 8,3 4.101 1,9
Combined cycle (5) 195 4.671 202,5 10.570 147,3 50.797 22,3
Hydrowind 0 1 20,8 3 16,8 23 19,8
Wind 66 4.713 -25,1 10.128 -24,4 57.257 -3,6
Solar PV 77 1.693 73,9 3.262 79,0 22.421 44,4
Solar thermal 12 208 50,7 379 57,5 4.844 8,5
Other renewables (6) 14 375 2,7 804 6,3 4.768 4,7
Cogeneration (7) 75 2.119 15,3 4.267 0,6 26.114 -1,8
Non-renewables waste (8) 5 145 -16,3 314 -11,6 2.198 8,0
Renewable waste (8) 2 73 5,6 152 18,1 901 23,9
Generation 699 21.121 -0,1 45.423 0,0 259.994 2,5
Pumped storage consumption -11 -485 -38,6 -878 -37,3 -3.795 -27,5
Exchange balance (9) 10 -468 187,8 -1.648 - -848 -
Demand (b.c) 698 20.168 -0,1 42.897 -2,7 255.352 2,4
Adjusted demand (10) - - 0,4 - -1,5 - 2,8
Pérdidas en transporte -12 -368 -20,5 -793 -16,9 -4.280 -1,3
Demand (distribution) 686 19.800 0,4 42.104 -2,4 251.072 2,5

Generation structure

Rolling year aggregate
  • No renewable:
    • Coal
    • Nuclear
    • Pumped storage
    • Combined cycle
    • Fuel oil+gas
    • Non-renewables waste
    • Cogeneration
  • Renewable:
    • Other renewables
    • Hydrowind
    • Solar thermal
    • Hydro
    • Solar PV
    • Renewable waste
    • Wind

Renewable energy

Renewable energy (GWh) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Anual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Total (11) 212 8.238 -33,3 17.989 -27,8 114.527 -2,4
  • Note: All variance percentages shown refer to the same period in the previous year.
  • (1) Allocation of production units according to primary fuel.
  • (2) Rolling year: cumulative value in the last 365 days, or 366 days in leap years.
  • (3) Pure pumped storage + mixed pumped storage estimate.
  • (4) Generation from auxiliary generators is included in the electricity systems of the Balearic Islands.
  • (5) Includes operation in open cycle mode. Power generation for the electricity system of the Canary Islands’ electricity system is obtained primarily from gas-oil.
  • (6) Includes biogas, biomass, marine energy and geothermal. The values of increase and rolling year include waste up until 31 December 2014.
  • (7) Generation included in other renewables and cogeneration on 12/31/2014.
  • (8) Generation included in other renewables and cogeneration up to December 31, 2014.
  • (9) Positive value: import balance; negative value: export balance
  • (10) After factoring in the influence of seasonal and working patterns
  • (11) Includes hydro, wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, other renewables and renewable waste.