Logotipo de Red Eléctrica de España

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Daily statistics of the Canary Islands' electricity system

Provisional data to 28/01/2025 • 17:41:15

Daily energy balance (MWh) (1) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Annual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Hydro 10 285 11,9 581 9,6 3.500 2,4
Motores diesel 4.716 150.504 -2,4 320.386 4,2 1.936.877 8,3
Gas turbine 138 23.554 -13,5 51.835 22,7 268.664 3,0
Steam turbine 3.295 103.046 -14,8 224.805 -7,1 1.237.618 0,7
Fuel oil+gas 8.150 277.104 -8,3 597.026 0,9 3.443.160 5,0
Combined cycle (3) 7.720 283.485 -2,4 633.112 10,8 3.774.226 7,1
Hydrowind 128 1.450 70,5 2.189 -12,9 17.541 -23,1
Wind 7.869 108.661 154,5 161.814 -7,8 1.313.877 -6,1
Solar PV 916 26.429 29,6 51.195 20,4 355.272 11,0
Other renewables (4) 17 499 -29,8 1.000 -33,1 6.472 -26,7
Cogeneration 0 0 - 0 - 0 -
Generation 24.810 697.913 6,1 1.446.917 4,4 8.914.049 4,2
Demand (b.c) 24.810 697.913 6,1 1.446.917 4,4 8.914.049 4,2
Adjusted demand (5) - - 6,4 - 4,5 - 3,9
Transmission losses -577 -11.952 27,8 -23.341 20,2 -138.729 17,2
Demand (distribution) 24.233 685.961 5,8 1.423.576 4,2 8.775.320 4,0

Generation structure

Rolling year aggregate
  • No renewable:
    • Diesel engines
    • Gas turbine
    • Steam turbine
    • Combined cycle
    • Cogeneration
  • Renewable:
    • Hydrowind
    • Wind
    • Solar PV
    • Hydro
    • Other renewables

Renewable energy

Renewable energy (GWh) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Anual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Total (6) 8.939 137.324 111,6 216.779 -2,6 1.696.662 -3,3

Maximum demand

Maximum Demand Day Month Year Historical
Peak Load (MWh) 1.307 (21h) 1.312 (21h - 21/02) 1.312 (21h - 21/02) 1.496 (20h - 08/11/2007)
Daily demand (MWh) - 25.124 (09/02) 25.124 (09/02) 33.490 (10/06/2006)
  • Note: All variance percentages shown refer to the same period in the previous year.
  • (1) Allocation of production units according to primary fuel.
  • (2) Rolling year: cumulative value in the last 365 days, or 366 days in leap years.
  • (3) Uses gas-oil as primary fuel. Includes operation in open cycle mode.
  • (4) Includes biogas and biomass.
  • (5) After factoring in the influence of seasonal and working patterns.
  • (6) Includes hydro, hydrowind, wind, solar photovoltaic and renewable thermal.