Logotipo de Red Eléctrica de España

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Daily statistics of the Canary Islands' electricity system

Definitive data to 10/12/2024 • 12:09:06

Daily energy balance (MWh) (1) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Annual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Hydro 10 296 7,7 296 7,7 3.468 1,6
Motores diesel 4.990 166.777 11,4 166.777 11,4 1.900.034 8,0
Gas turbine 1.687 28.032 89,9 28.032 89,9 269.244 5,3
Steam turbine 4.666 118.364 0,3 118.364 0,3 1.217.984 0,8
Fuel oil+gas 11.343 313.174 10,9 313.174 10,9 3.387.261 5,1
Combined cycle (3) 11.519 348.608 24,8 348.608 24,8 3.765.907 7,0
Hydrowind -2 668 -59,5 668 -59,5 16.495 -29,6
Wind 512 53.153 -60,0 53.153 -60,0 1.247.887 -13,7
Solar PV 1.000 24.766 12,0 24.766 12,0 349.226 9,6
Other renewables (4) 18 500 -36,2 500 -36,2 6.684 -24,4
Cogeneration 0 0 - 0 - 0 -
Generation 24.399 741.166 3,0 741.166 3,0 8.776.928 2,7
Demand (b.c) 24.399 741.166 3,0 741.166 3,0 8.776.928 2,7
Adjusted demand (5) - - 2,9 - 2,9 - 2,4
Pérdidas en transporte -358 -11.389 13,1 -11.389 13,1 -136.126 14,6
Demand (distribution) 24.041 729.776 2,9 729.776 2,9 8.640.802 2,6

Generation structure

Rolling year aggregate
  • No renewable:
    • Diesel engines
    • Gas turbine
    • Steam turbine
    • Combined cycle
    • Cogeneration
  • Renewable:
    • Hydrowind
    • Wind
    • Solar PV
    • Hydro
    • Other renewables

Renewable energy

Renewable energy (GWh) Day Month %∆ Month Annual %∆ Anual Rolling year (2) %∆ Rolling year
Total (6) 1.537 79.384 -49,6 79.384 -49,6 1.623.760 -9,8

Maximum demand

Maximum Demand Day Month Year Historical
Peak Load (MWh) 1.283 (21h) 1.299 (21h - 10/01) 1.299 (21h - 10/01) 1.496 (20h - 08/11/2007)
Daily demand (MWh) - 24.886 (17/01) 24.886 (17/01) 33.490 (10/06/2006)
  • Note: All variance percentages shown refer to the same period in the previous year.
  • (1) Allocation of production units according to primary fuel.
  • (2) Rolling year: cumulative value in the last 365 days, or 366 days in leap years.
  • (3) Uses gas-oil as primary fuel. Includes operation in open cycle mode.
  • (4) Includes biogas and biomass.
  • (5) After factoring in the influence of seasonal and working patterns.
  • (6) Includes hydro, hydrowind, wind, solar photovoltaic and renewable thermal.